夜カフェ Chapter 9 (Beginner Book Club)
Start date current chapter: 4 June 2022
Previous chapter: Chapter 8
Next chapter: Chapter 10
Home thread: 夜カフェ Book Club Home Thread
BBC Home thread: Beginner Book Club
We are reading the first volume of 夜カフェ as the Beginner Book Club!.
This thread is for chapter related discussion. We are reading together from the aforementioned date on, but this thread will be kept open mu~ch longer (like 10 years longer). So don’t be shy to ask questions even if you are late to the party
Vocabulary List
Feel free to add any words you looked up as well! Page numbers may be off by one or two because of differences between physical and digital editions, but we try to keep the words roughly in order of appearance
The book is also available over at koohi.cafe (formerly known as floflo).
Discussion Guidelines
- Please blur / hide any major events in the current week’s pages (however early they occur), like so:
result: texthere - When asking for help, please mention the page number, and check before posting that your question hasn’t already been asked
- Join the conversation — it’s fun!
Participation poll
- I’m reading along
- I’m planning to read but haven’t started yet
- I’m from the future and reading way later
- I’ve read ahead already/read the book before
- I’m not reading, just passing by
0 voters