It seems like there is always a page missing in a chapter for me such that the last page of the chapter is numbered one less than what it should be according to the legend for this club. For example, the last page of this chapter is supposed to be 86 but for me it is 85 (actually it would be 84 if I didn’t insert a blank page to make up for this when it happened at the end of chapter 1). I wonder what page I am missing within each chapter?
Anyway, instead of trying to do all of this in one post I’ll be doing a few pages at a time to make it more manageable for me.
Pg. 76
おー、でかいの出たなー = Ooh, a big one came out
出た… = it came out
出たー!! = It came out!!
おめでとー = Congratulations
案外あっさり出たね = it came out surprisingly easy didn’t it
何でだろ、こんな普通に出るもんなんだ…ていうか = I wonder why, 'cause it came out just fine I mean
Once again I am tripped up by もん. This time I tried going with how bunpro describes it as giving a reason and translates to ‘because’. I’m also not sure of the trailing ていうか.
Pg. 77-78
全然痛くない… = It doesn’t hurt at all…
ノドが変わったんだな = Your thoat has changed
血が出たのも人間のままのノドがビックリしただけみたいよ =
This doesn’t feel like the ‘also/too’ use of も here, can someone explain what it’s doing here? Also, the rest of the sentence feels a little weird, my best guess is “your throat while it was human was just surprised it seems” and this doesn’t seem like what she’s actually trying to say, or rather it’s not what I would expect her to say right now
とにかくおめでとう。いいファイアーだったぞ = Anyway, congrats. That was some good fire
ファイアーにいいも悪いもないだろ = Fire isn’t good or bad
とりあえずこれでもう暴発はしないはずだよ = In any case, with this you shouldn’t have any sudden outbursts anymore
まだ完全制御とまではいかないけど = Still, until you have perfect control you won’t go though
I’ve never seen と and まで combined before, I’m not sure why it’s like this. Also I don’t know if this is actually referring to her going to school, I feel like the word school would’ve been included if it was suddenly switching to talking about her going to school or not.
へー。あ、もう行くの? = Ehh. Ah, are we going already?
体はどう?どこか変なところとかない? = How’s your body? Do you feel strange anywhere?
んー、特には = Mm, not especially
I’m assuming there’s a dropped verb here? Because this doesn’t seem to connect to the next speech bubble. Am I right to assume the dropped verb is ない?
…でもなんかスッキリした = But, it was kind of refreshing
なんか楽しいな火吐けるのとか = It’s kind of fun, being able to breathe fire and stuff
そっかこれから大変よ? = I see, will it be difficult from here on?
I don’t quite understand why Ruri’s mom would be saying this in response which makes me think I’m not understanding this use of 大変 correctly.
じゃ次行くか = Now, where to next?
次?まだやることあるの? = Next? There’s still stuff to do?
うん = Yep
それから = After that