ルリドラゴン ・ Ruri Dragon 🐲 Week 6

p. 70

That doesn’t make sense to me, ほざく is a plain-form verb so it wouldn’t connect to なる like that.

I think the sentence is 「適当ほぞくな」ってキレを散らかしたわ. At least, that’s how it makes sense to me grammatically.

キレ散らかす being something like “getting angry”

So she’s saying she got angry told him to stop spouting vague answers.

More about キレ散らかす: 【キレ散らかす】とはどういう意味ですか? - 日本語に関する質問 | HiNative


Okay, yeah, this makes way more sense


Ahh, thanks!!! So キレ散らかす means: まわりに怒りを表す or, to express your anger on the surroundings, like by throwing things.

Eta: also thanks for your answer re: p73-75! That helps. :blush:


I don’t think throwing things factors into it, it really just refers to expressing your anger.

The throwing is just something in the illustration - she got angry so she pelted Ruri’s dad with a rock.


Sadly been playing catch up and staying quiet the last few weeks but just wanted to say thansk to folks for mentioning this week being difficult. It’s definitely helped me stay motivated this week knowing I wasn’t the only one having trouble!


Just wanted to say I’m jumping in here too since I can’t wait for the May read to start. Definitely struggled with this one (especially trying to read it on the train on my phone and look up words at the same time…) but I think I got the gist of it, going to start reviewing with the thread in a bit.


Just further query about breaking this down further - I get the general meaning, but wasn’t sure about the full breakdown.

出ないに起こした事ないけど 出せないとなると問題なんだって
  • My TL: It wasn’t that [your flame breath didn’t come out] but / if your flame breath can’t come out (you can’t bring your flame breath out) / then it’s a problem, right?
  • なんだって I always interpret more as ‘what’ (probably because of 龍が如く), not sure how it should be taken here in conjunction with 問題.
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I think your breakdown of this is correct, but the relation between these clauses is a little different - the vibe I’m getting is more like, “we’re not dealing with a scenario where you didn’t breath fire; you can’t breathe fire on purpose and that’s a problem”.

I think なんだって can also be used in an explanatory way? I couldn’t find a good grammar link for that though. Bunpro kind of gets into it as a “hearsay” thing.

だって - Japanese Grammar Explained | Bunpro

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Phew, this week was intense. It also doesn’t help that this is the first week where page numbers for me weren’t lining up with what people in the thread were posting their questions under. The numbering I’ve gone with is the only way page 75 ended up being the right page for me, that meant I had to count the chapter cover page as a page number.

Pg. 63

ねぇ~でなぁい = Heyy, it won’t come out
がんば~ = Good luck~
もう嫌だ~ = I don’t want to anymore
何言ってんの、このまま放置するわけにもいかないでしょ = What are you saying? We can’t afford to leave things like this you know
出ないに越したことないけど = Not having it come out would be the best but
出せないとなると問題なんだって = it’s a problem when you can’t make it come out
どうすんのまた暴発したら = What will you do if you spontaneously discharge again

Pg. 64

このままじゃ学校いけないよ? = You can’t go to school in this state, right?
ちゃんと火の吐き方覚えなさい = Properly remember how to breathe fire
あれから火が出ない = After that, the fire won’t come out
あの威勢のいい火炎放射が一回きり = That vigorous spout of fire was only the one time
以降何をしても出ない = Even since doing what (I did before), it won’t come out

Pg. 65

このまま出ないならそれが一番だがそうもいかないらしい = If it won’t come out in this state that would be best but it seems that won’t do either

Everything after the なら confuses me here, can someone break this down? I’m not confident in my translation at all. I could throw it into DeepL I guess but I don’t want to rely on that.

今朝 = That morning
ルリ火傷どう? = Ruri, how are your burns?
あーもう全然…ちょっと跡あるくらい = Ah, they’re already completely… it’s to the point that only a few marks remain
マジかやっぱり代謝能力も遺伝してたんだ… = Seriously? You inherited the regenerative ability too…
龍の血凄まじいな = Dragon’s blood is amazing isn’t it
これもそうなの? = This is because of that too?

Pg. 66

丸2日で普通火傷は治らんよ = Burns don’t normally heal in 2 days

What is the 丸 here for?

そらそうか = Is that so?
ところでルリ…あれから火出た? = By the way Ruri… Has any fire come out since then?
いや、出てない = No, it hasn’t
くしゃみしても出ないしアレ何だったんだろうな = Even if I sneeze it doesn’t come out and I wonder what that was

アレ何だったんだろうな - Not sure what this is saying exactly, so my translation is my best guess. I could use some help here

まあ…もう出ないならいいんじゃない? = Well… if it won’t come out anymore that’d be fine right?
いや…それはまずいな = No, that would be a problem
一度出たってことは確実に遺伝してるから = It came out once, that means it’s certainly hereditary, so
遅かれ早かれまた出るわよ = sooner or later it will come out again.

Pg. 67

よし、まずはそれ何とかしよう = Right, first let’s do something about that
ということで今に至る = With that said, we’re here now

I think the literal is more like “we lead to now” or “we arrive at now”?

はいもう無理めげた = Ok, I’m done with this already

Interpretation here, I feel like 無理めげる is some kind of expression because when I look up めげる it just does not make any sense with 無理. So I went with the feeling of what she’s saying instead. Can someone break this one down for me too?

絶対くしゃみ関係ないわ = Sneezing definitely doesn’t matter
何で出ないんだろ… = Why won’t it come out
燃料切れかもね = Maybe you’re out of fuel?
ほれお昼食べな食べな = Here, eat some lunch, eat

Pg. 68

てか何でピクニック気分なんだよお母さんは = Hey why are you in the mood for a picnic mom
たまの休みくらいいいじゃん = The occasional break is good isn’t it

A breakdown of this would be appreciated too, I don’t get what くらい is doing here

珍しく天気もいいんだから = And because it’s unusually good weather too
ねぇ~あれ血吐くし痛いから嫌なんだけど = Hey, I coughed up blood with that (fire breathing) and it hurt so I don’t want to but…

あれ血吐くし feels like it has too much left out and I’m having trouble translating it, as well as the 嫌なんだけど. I’m just not very clear on this whole sentence, I could use some guidance.

だから大丈夫だって = That’s why I say you’ll be fine
血は正常な反応らしいから = The blood seems to be a normal reaction
それも父情報? = Is that also information from dad?
何か聞いてないの?火の出し方とか = What didn’t you hear? How to breathe fire and stuff
いや、うーんそれが… = No, yeah, that’s…
火に限らんが = It’s not limited to the fire but

Pg. 69

初めは出し方も分からなくて当然だ = As for the first time, I do not know the way of getting it out and that’s natural
体構造の基本が人間なんだからな = Because the basis of her body structure is human
だがこれは異変ではなく成長だ = But, this is not an abnormal change this is growth
必ず体が適応するようになる = Certainly her body will come to adapt
もっとも遺伝すればの話だがな = (this is not a correct translation) However, the story of if she inherits the most

What is the の話 doing here? I could use a breakdown of this sentence as well. Trying to get from a literal meaning to a translation isn’t working here

何が遺伝するかなど儂にも分からん = What she inherits is not known to me either
だが遺伝すればそれは”体質”になる = But, if she inherits (something), it will become “nature”
放っておけばじき体が覚える。それが体質だ = If you leave things be, soon her body will learn. That is nature.
安心して待てばいい = If you wait and worry it will be fine

Not sure this is actually what he’s saying

Pg. 70

お前らもよく暴発するだろ排泄物とかだってさ = “You also have discharges right, like excrement and whatnot”, is what he said
きったね = Gross
適当ほざくなってキレ散らかしたわ = I made a mess of things and said “Don’t say careless things”

I can’t tell if the キレ here is a noun or a verb form, because I would expect a verb after that quoting particle

何のために山登ったと思ってんだ!! = For what purpose did you think I climbed a mountain

The 思う being in te-form here throws me off, I don’t know why it’s like that, or why it leads into explanatory の.

け…ケンカとかするの? = You were arguing and stuff?
そりゃあね、あの化物人間事情を全く考慮しないから私が叩き込むしかないのよ = Well you know, that creature doesn’t take into consideration human circumstances at all so I just hammer it in

Not actually sure how to translate そりゃあね here. I just put in something that seemed to fit the situation but I didn’t actually translate it. Also unsure of the translation of 私が叩き込むしかないのよ, after looking it up it seems like it’s most likely the “to drum/drill/hammer into someone” definition but that only really makes sense to me if it’s in the past tense in English and it’s not in the past here in Japanese

母強え~ = Mom’s strong
お父さん…どんなひ…龍なの? = Father… what kind of pers- dragon are you?
どんなね~ = What kind~

Pg. 71

いっそ会う? = Do you want to meet him?

Interpretation here. All I can get from the literal meaning is something like “would you rather meet?” so I assume she’s asking Ruri if she would rather meet him herself.

嫌だよ。どんな怪物か分からんし = Nope. I don’t know what kind of monster (he is)
あはは、確かに = Ahaha, that’s true
でも中身人間と大差ないよ見た目が怪物なだけ = But,

I don’t even know where to begin with this one it’s throwing me off entirely. I could really use a breakdown of this one

だからルリもおおよそ人間だよ = That’s why Ruri too is generally human
んなわけないだろ =

Another one I can’t parse at all, this is just like, an incomplete sentence I can’t figure out what’s missing and what it’s attached to, nor do I know who is saying it (Ruri or her mom?)

ん?あれ、何か… = Hm? What, something…
どした? = What’s wrong?
この感じは = This feeling

Pg. 72

熱い、出そう = It’s hot, it might come out
よし、行ってこい = Alright, go!


Definitely not a perfect reader here but here’s my attempts…

I understood it the same way you did, but here’s my attempt at a breakdown…

Pg 65

このまま出ない / なら ------- it continues not coming out like this / if-then (if [my flame breath] continues not coming out
それが / 一番 / だが -------- That is / the best (no. 1) / but,
そうもいかない / らしい ---- it’s not like that / it seems like.

Pg 66

丸2日で普通火傷は治らんよ = Burns don’t normally heal in 2 days

What is the 丸 here for?

I think it’s like 丸で, ‘entirely, as if’, so like [just in] 2 full days

Pg66 cont

アレ何だったんだろうな - Not sure what this is saying exactly, so my translation is my best guess. I could use some help here

アレ / 何だったん / だろう / な == That / what was / I wonder / huh (inflection)
So your interpretation is basically right, I think.


I don’t think it’s to be read together, I thought it was this めげる, which makes sense to me.

Pg 67 Con't

Maybe more like ‘Sneezing doesn’t have anything to do with it!’


So it’s not quite the occasional break but more like ‘stuff like the occasional break’. くらい is like ‘approximately’ or ‘something like’, modifying the word in front of it.

Pg68 cont

ねぇ~あれ血吐くし痛いから嫌なんだけど = Hey, I coughed up blood with that (fire breathing) and it hurt so I don’t want to but…

ねぇ / ~あれ血吐く / 痛いから / 嫌なんだけど
Hey / (because of) I coughed up blood / it hurts so / I don’t really want to do it, but…

Will have a look at the rest later, gotta go!


Hopefully this isn’t me wielding a hammer and then thinking everything is a nail, because I’ve thought this for several other passages as well. I think the って is indicating that it’s a quote, and the なんだ is part of the quote. The mom is quoting the dragon, whose statement ends in なんだ because it’s an explanation.

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Between the amount of dialogue and the difficulty of said dialogue, I am slowly losing my mind. Otherwise, I eventually managed to get through this week. I wanted to be done yesterday, but Page 69 gave me a lot of trouble. I had to use multiple resources to help me with that one. I’m grateful that those last 4 pages had little to no dialogue at all. It feels like a reward when that happens. Still enjoying it though, and adamant to not quit halfway through this time.

Chapter 2: See You At School Again

Pages 62-64

Ruri: Hey, it won’t come out.

Mum: You can do it!

Ruri: I don’t like it anymore.

Mum: What did you say? At this rate, we can’t afford to leave things as they are, right?

Mum: It would be the best if it doesn’t come out, but if it can’t come out, it’s a problem.

Mum: What are you going to do if you have an outburst again?

Mum: At this rate, you can’t go to school, you know?

Mum: You must memorize how to breathe fire properly.

Ruri: [Since then…]

Ruri: [The fire won’t come out.]

Ruri: [That vigorous fire breath only happened one time.]

Ruri: [Since, no matter what I do, it won’t come out.]

Pages 65-67

Ruri: [At this rate, if it can’t come out, that would be best. Still, that seems very unlikely to happen.]

Mum: Ruri, how’s your burn?

Ruri: Ah, it doesn’t hurt at all anymore…there’s a little scar around there.

Mum: Seriously? As I thought, your healing ability was hereditary…

Mum: Dragon’s blood is fierce.

Ruri: …Is this also true?

Mum: An ordinary burn won’t heal in two whole days…

Mum: By the way, ruri…did the fire come out after that?

Ruri: No, it didn’t. Even if I sneeze, it doesn’t come out, so I wonder what it was.

Ruri: I mean…if it doesn’t come out anymore, isn’t that good?

Mum: No…that’s bad.

Mum: Since it’s certainly hereditary from the one time it came out…

Mum: …it will come out again sooner or later.

Mum: Right! First of all, let’s do something about that.

Ruri: [Does she mean to take me there now?]

Ruri: Hey, I already gave up. It’s impossible.

Ruri: The sneezing is irrelevant.

Ruri: Why won’t it come out…?

Mum: You might be out of fuel.

Mum: Hey, let’s eat lunch, let’s eat lunch.

Pages 68-70

Ruri: I mean, why are you in the mood for a picnic?

Mum: An occasional break is good, right?

Mum: Since the weather is unusually good.

Ruri: Eh…I disike it because it hurts and I spit up blood, but…

Mum: So, you’re okay, since your blood seemed to have a normal response.

Ruri: Is that also about dad?

Ruri: Didn’t you hear something? How to breath fire among other things.

Mum: No. Well, that…

Dad: This is not limited to fire, but…

Dad: At first, she won’t know how to let it out and that’s natural.

Dad: Since humans are the basic oppositional structure…

Dad: …this growth is not an unusual situation.

Dad: Her body will certainly conform to it.

Dad: If it is hereditary, then we’ll talk.

Dad: I don’t know what is hereditary.

Dad: But, if it is hereditary, that will become her nature.

Dad: If we leave things as they are, her body will soon commit that nature to memory. It will be good if you just relax and wait for it.

Mum: You dragons often spontaneously outburst, like poop or something.

Ruri: Cut it out.

Mum: He said some careless things and I got angry.

Mum: What do you think I climbed this mountain for!?

Ruri: Did you fight or something?

Mum: That monster didn’t completely take your feelings into consideration, so…

Mum: …I had no choice but to throw myself at him.

Ruri: [Mum’s strong…]

Ruri: Dad…What kind of per…dragon are you?

Ruri: What kind…?

Pages 71-73

Mum: Would you rather meet him?

Ruri: No. I don’t know what kind of monster he is.

Mum: Ahaha, of course.

Mum: But, there’s not a big difference with what makes a human. Only his physical appearance is that of a monster.

Mum: As such, you are also quite human.

Ruri: There’s no way it’s like that, right?

Ruri: Hm? That’s something…

Mum: What’s the matter?

Ruri: This feeling…

Ruri: It’s hot. It seems like it’s going to come out.

Mum: Right, then go!

Ruri: [Is this the way humans are!!?]


It’s kind important that this is “what are you saying”, since it’s 何言ってるの

覚える is also “to learn”, fits a bit better


The blood itself is the normal response

Wrong たい there, it’s 体, 体構造 is body structure/makeup/whatever

In these two, the dad is saying that the real question is if she is going to inherit more traits, as he himself doesn’t even know what she will inherit.

叩き込む is to beat something into someone


Time to finish chapter 2!


Not a big deal, but I think this should say Week 7


Just finished this section, very dialogue heavy so again struggled getting the exact meaning of each sentence but I think I got the gist of it before I went through the thread to see what I had missed.
Looking forward to doing the next section with everyone else now that the next section is the most recent


That was some fast catching up :slight_smile:
And as others have said, don’t hesitate to ask questions even for the previous weeks!


Haha yeah it was quite fast, but that’s because I’m not focusing on making sure I understand the exact sentence for every bit of dialogue as this is my first time reading a manga in Japanese. I’m using this as a first step and I can focus on improving my understand of grammar later down the line.

I’ll definitely be asking lots of questions when I start on the Week 7 section dont you worry :smile:


Sorry to bump, but there are still some questions from this I would appreciate having answered, especially page 71. I don’t wanna come off as pushy, so sorry if this does.


I missed the last bit of this thread. I will try and respond with some answers later this evening. Currently playing cards with friends. :grin:

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