ホリミヤ ・ Horimiya 🎀 👓 Week 4 Discussion Thread (Absolute Beginner Book Club)

Caught up behind with a week’s section in a day, I don’t know if it’s because this week is easier than the first week or not but it getting easier each day. I still can’t point out the grammar in each sentence, but based on vocabulary alone I can make sense of it inside my head. Also how do you learn the vocabulary? Do you add it to an Anki deck, or just look it up inside the sheet when it shows up and move on and let the repeatition of common words do all the work for you?

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Basically this, though I personally don’t really use the vocab sheets, instead translating stuff on my own.


Who am I? Where am I? How am I behind on this book club already?

Page 27

急な 委員会でもない限り
If there’s not an unexpected committee meeting

We can snag the eggs and return home

委員の人はHR終わり次第 視聴覚室に集まって
As soon as home room ends, the committee members are gathering in the audiovisual room

Why this timing…

But… I can’t give up!!

page 28

Please help with the limited time eggs sale

I have to go buy!

宮村 班のレポートだけどさ
Miyamura, the group report…?


ただでさえ 暑いのに走ることになるとは
Even at the best of times, to end up running despite the heat
(haha, not quite sure about this one)

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Pg. 28

I would say this is closer to:

“Even though it’s hot at the best of times, to have ended up running…”

He’s basically griping about the uniform being warm for him without having the additional heat coming from running.

page 29

I left quickly from the side entrance…!!

page 30


Score! No one’s here


At this rate, I’ll be able to cross the fence-


There are always people when I’m with Hori-san

(This is my best guess. It looks like it could be another case of a clause modifying 人, but then I don’t know how I’d translate it.)

Yay, I finished!

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"page 30

Your intuition here is correct. It’s “person who is always with Hori”.
(always-together-with-hori person)

page 30

OH, is it Hori’s friend from the beginning? I didn’t recognize her, that’s why I was having trouble. (It’s been so long since we read the first scene…)

page 30

Yep! It’s Miyamura thinking “Oh, it’s that person that’s always with Hori.”


Now it makes so much more sense. Whew

Page 29

This is (a) nonpast tense, and (b) a question. Yes, there’s a past tense verb lurking in there, but the predicate of the main clause is 早い, which is nonpast.

So why’s the verb past tense, then? This is the A方が(Bより)[adjective] construction, and one of the weird quirks of the construction is that if A is in past tense, it makes the whole sentence sound more hypothetical. “It would be more [adjective] if…”

Putting it all together “Would it be faster if I left by the side entrance?”

(When you’re reading the whole sentence as past tense, it sounds like he’s saying he left the building by the side entrance, but he can’t do that, because he needs to get his shoes from the main entrance before he can leave.)


Ah, I missed ignored the 方が

Makes sense, thanks👍


Late report : I kind of struggled on this chapter :sweat_smile: This thread helped me a lot ^^

I’ve read here and there that ホリミヤ seemed difficult for some of you so I’m trying to try to brace myself for the rest. However, I like the art and the story, so I’m not thinking about giving up, no sir :muscle: