🗡 ジョジョの奇妙な冒険 Book Club ファントムブランド第8: タルカスと黒騎士ブラフォード・ Tarkus and the Dark Knight Bruford 🗡

Chapter 32: 双首竜の間・中世騎士殺人修練場 Questions
  • What connections to the mask does younger Zeppeli draw to the healing man?
  • I wonder if the point of telling Zeppeli to specifically go 上流へ上流へ is a reference to the carp myth. If you didn’t know, the carp myth is that a koi who successfully swims up a waterfall will become a dragon (this is why magikarp becomes gyrados too btw).
  • What does Tonpetty’s (Araki chosen English spelling) speech patterns reveal about his character? What sets his speech apart from other characters?
  • What’s on Zeppeli’s mind?
  • Anyone else feel like they’ve seen more of Tarkus than they needed/wanted to?
  • How does Zeppeli plan to proceed? What happens? How does he adjust?

Sorry it’s late!!