よつばと! Vol 11 Discussion Thread (Yotsuba&! Reading Club)

It was an experiment and you were the test subjects. :eyes:
Back to announcements for now.


I triple-checked, and I think you’re right! :tada:

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Guess I was off by 10 then. So close. :joy:

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Page 60

I’m not really reading along right now (expect to see me back here in a few years time when I finally get round to tackling this volume) but I have a couple of questions on page 60!

Janbo: 4つも 食べたのか?
Yotsuba: ちがうよ! でも4つだよ

Janbo: You ate no fewer than 4?
Yotsuba: No! But there were 4!

Question 1
Of course it is not easy to understand, even Janbo is confused, but is Yotsuba correcting his も (disputing his use of “no fewer than”) or is she correcting his 食べた (replacing “ate” with “was”)?

Question 2
Plus, I’m guessing つ could count slices as well as pizzas. Are there other ways of counting that would distinguish between them?

Thanks for any help anyone can offer, and see you again back here in a few years from now!


も is more like “as many as” here.

But yeah, Jumbo’s assumed she’s describing four entire pizzas. Or Yotsuba’s assumed that Jumbo has. Or both? But there weren’t four pizzas, there were four half pizzas.

As for a better counter for whole pizzas, I guess 枚?


Ah, yes, four different pizza halves! Thanks Belthazar! :pizza: :smiley: :+1:

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Since I have volumes 11 to 14 in English, here’s the “four pizzas” scene from it:

Spoiler Wall



It bugs me a little that Yotsuba goes from sitting in Jumbo’s lap to standing by his side between frames.

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Wow, thanks for that! No wonder Janbo is confused!

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And now, by popular demand, we’re back to our scheduled よつば announcement.

We had the うどん :ramen: , we had the ピザ :pizza: , we even had the しゃぼんだま :soap:,
but now, get ready for くりひろい time, baby! :chestnut:

Give it up for Chapter 73!



What? Already? That’s crazy talk. :stuck_out_tongue:

Anyone else think chapters 72 and 73 have rather similar title pages?

Whoa. Yotsuba used katakana on page 101

I kinda want to visit that shrine. It looks pretty. And that view…


quickly reads ch 72
OMG I laughed so hard at everyone “hiding” from Yanda :rofl: Yotsuba’s like “everyone hide!” and they just DO IT :joy:

now on to ch 73!
Oh, it’s the stairs/shrine from forever ago! I remember what Yotsuba’s talking about on pg 103!
Man, I went back and looked and the difference in art style from vol 1 to this volume is really noticeable :flushed: (It’s in ch 5, if anyone else wants to relive the memories xD)

Stairs then

Stairs now

View then

View now

Lol, I was wondering the same thing as Fuuka on pg 108 xD


Amazing the change in the artwork, isn’t it?!

But, you know, I’m not convinced it is the same shrine. The stairs are totally different, although that could be put down to better artwork, but the view is also not identical. Even allowing for a shift in perspective, there are some pretty major changes in that view. Plus, back in volume one, when Yotsuba was a good six months younger, she and her dad walked from home to that shrine via a shopping mall, whereas now it is a bike trip away. But yep, I could be wrong!


So observant. :open_mouth:

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Definitely true, but I guess I don’t know that the mangaka would feel a need to reproduce every detail of a landscape they drew that long ago, either :thinking: I can see enough familiar landmarks in the vol 11 one, like the two major buildings next to and near the top-left of Yotsuba’s basket, the one to the left of Yotsuba’s head, and the one by Jurarumin’s leg, that I still feel like it’s meant to be the same. (That right side of the frame does look pretty darn different though xD). I guess my other thought is, how many shrines on big hills would there be with similar views in/around a single town? xD I mean, there are a lot of shrines in Japan, so it’s not impossible, but…still xD

Hmm…it’s possible that it’s a long-ish walk or a short-ish bike trip away :thinking: Yotsuba wasn’t old enough to ride a bike back then, so they couldn’t have ridden bikes even if it would have been better.

But who knows, really :woman_shrugging:
I just want to believe


I’m pretty sure it’s meant to be the same shrine - how many hill-top shrines can there possibly be in one neighbourhood? :stuck_out_tongue: One thing I notice, though, is that they approach the shrine from the left in this chapter, but they came from the right back in chapter 5. They also visit the same shrine in chapter 6, when Jumbo takes Yotsuba and Ena cicada hunting, except the stairs are never shown - and in that chapter, Jumbo drives them there.

This blog thinks it’s Oshiko Shrine in Hyogo, though I have some doubts on that considering the stairs look completely different - and since that blog says she went chestnut-picking with her father, I’m not even sure they actually read the manga.

Yes she was - she rides one in the store in chapter 5. She’s just not old enough to own a bike. :stuck_out_tongue:


Very true, and, as we’ve said, back in volume one his artwork was no where near what it is now (though there was more blank space on the pages back then to write my notes on!).

Oh, nicely spotted! And yes, that could explain a lot!

It is possible I suppose to have a string of shrines along the top of a hilly ridge, but I when I think properly about it, I’m sure you’re both right, this has to be the same shrine! Nice discussion though! :smiley: :shinto_shrine: :+1:


Regarding the stairs and shrines: Let’s not forget this week’s lines where Yotsuba says she and her dad climbed those stairs, and that her dad climbed the steps really fast.


Yes, but she also said “It’s not four. But it’s four”. :stuck_out_tongue:


It makes sense in context, okay? D:<