Oh, wait. I’m not ready.
Oh, wait. I’m not ready.
Figured I’d tag you and see if you wanna join. @Abstormal @valkow
Yes! I’ve finished through volume 14, but I am definitely going to follow along with discussion and such. I miss this manga. <3
You can join us when 15 comes out! It’s not really ended, just veeeeery slow (or at least was between 13 and 14 =P )
It’s published in a monthly magazine… and there also don’t seem to be chapters every month.
Looking back at the old volumes they came out two a year at first, then once a year, then every second year, 13 - 14 was 3 years, and now been two since 14
But hey! it is coming!
I like it! I’ll be here, Yotsuba!!
Yeah, once we are finished we’ll all return every 2-3 years or so for a new volume!
I might even be done by next release! (I just celebrated my 3’rd year here ^^; )
Hi! I searched the thread but didn’t find any conclusive results - did anyone find the よつばと series in ebook format (legally)? I prefer reading digitally, manga series take up so much precious space… I started reading the first volume on bilingualmanga, but the text misalignment is super annoying…
Googling didn’t help me much because I can’t (yet) read most JP websites well enough to understand if it’s ebook or paperback format! (I do most of my Japanese ebook buying on Amazon.co.jp for now, but they only have the physical version available)
What! So cheap. :0
I know! I was really happy to find it. I plan to sell it back to them after I (and my daughter) are done with it.
Also, not late! Do check the threads and ask questions if you have any.
Noticed we never started next volume. Was it a planed break? (if so I’ve missed it)
I don’t mind having a bit of a wait, was busy last month anyway (Had trouble keeping up with book clubs =P )
Just wondering if we know when we want to continue or do we just wait and see when we feel like?
I don’t mind waiting a lill longer. Just ping me when we start up <3
I don’t think we planned a break, we just… stopped. Though that is kind of the established pattern.
I’m about ready for the next volume also. Though I was ready to continue on straight away. (And oof, it’s been almost a month since the last volume.)
I thought we were giving あずま time to draw more comics.
I’m still working through volumes 7 and 8, since I started at 9 in Japanese, so I haven’t been in any kind of hurry. But I’m ready to read along when we start back up again.
I wasn’t in much of a rush to start the next volume, with everything that was going on in March and April, but it feels like things are starting to settle down for me now, so I’m ready whenever
I was actually thinking of starting back up, since things have calmed down a bit.
Give me a few hours and I’ll get it set up.
Guess who’s back? Guess who’s back? Guess who’s back? Guess who’s back? Guess who’s back? Guess who’s back? Guess who’s back?
So, I was chatting last night to @OmukaiAndi on the Study Discord thread about the Japanese Bookclub discord (which is where the Laid Back Camp bookclub does its weekly readings), and I got to thinking…
… a few years ago I watched a youtube video of a bunch of guys reading vol.1 of Yotsuba, and it was great. Everyone took a turn reading a panel or a page or something and then discussed the meaning and the grammar etc.
I’d love to do that, especially with Yotsuba. This could be a project for the Yotsuba bookclub when it gets to the end of vol 14 perhaps, or we could start any time. I reckon something like that would be great! We could start with volume one, or even a later volume. If we told everyone on the forums in advance, I’m sure plenty of people would be interested.
It could be a straight reading (like the LBC group does), or it could be something like Foxumon does, where everything is broken down. So, everyone turns up, and takes it in turns to read (by allotting characters, or just taking speech bubbles in turn), and then go over the grammar and whatnot. It could be pitched at higher level readers, or at total beginners (I’d prefer the latter of course! lol!).
What do you think?