Well, it’ll probably be at least a year until volume 15 comes out, so I guess we will have some time on our hands.
All we have to decide is…
- starting date (some time after we finish vol 14)
- what time slot?
- which volume to read (vol 1 makes sense, but it doesn’t have to be vol 1)
- will it be a straight read-through, or will we stop at each page to go over grammar and vocab?
I reckon this could be great!
In my case, the timezone might cause problems - or not, there’s no reason why we couldn’t do this with more than one group composition.
Sounds fun.
- I’d say a normal read-through with people asking questions after every page if they have any.
I’d be interested in this. Timezones are probably the hardest part in getting this organised though. Where is everyone located? I’m in Australia.
The LBC group does their reading at 6.20pm Japan time on a Saturday night.
Which is: 2020-05-23T09:20:00Z
We wouldn’t want to take their slot, so how about a couple of hours earlier, for example, or later?
Anything around that time should be good for me. If that particular time is good for multiple timezones, we could do 6:20 PM JST on a different day. Whatever works best for everyone.
Haha! I don’t think I’ll be available at 2:20 a.m., unfortunately.
What’s the latest at night, or earliest in the morning, you could make it?
Such a lack of commitment.
Would something like 12 PM JST work? That would be 1 PM for me, and 8 PM for @Kazzeon. Not sure what other timezones we’re also juggling though.
12 noon JST would be perfct for me (obviously!) and might just do the trick! Kazzeon?
The time for everyone else should appear here: 2020-05-23T03:00:00Z
Once we have the time settled, we can fix a date.
Before, or after, we read vol14?
I was trying to remember where you lived. Somehow completely forgot it was in Japan.
8 is fine for me.
About the date…
If we wait until after Volume 14, it’d be around September, and that’s a long way ahead.
I say it’d be better sooner.
Great! 8pm your time it is! Thank you Kazzeon!
The bookclub for vol 13 is scheduled to end at the end of June.
So how about we start this at the beginning of July?
Volume one? (Or would people prefer a different volume?)
As soon as we decide that, we can start spreading the word!
Volume 1 just seems like the right place to start.
Great! And start in July?
Say yes, and I’ll start letting everyone know!
Great! I’ll set up a thread and what-not a little later this morning (got an exchange lesson first!) - this is going to be great fun!
Great. I would honestly make it even sooner, but it’s up to you guys.
I have more time than I know what to do with.