のんのんびより: Chapter 9 Discussion

I’ve always been graded on 10, but I’m not in the USA.

Yes, that question.
And why not? People like @MissMisc seems to have infinite wells of knowledge about everything. (And I checked, Miss is marked as “reading along”)


Were you not just asking about Japan? :thinking:

My question originated from the fact that one joke in the chapter rely on elementary school students being graded on 5, and the ones in junior high on 10. That seemed a bit strange to me, considering that my experience with the Japanese educational system only made me encounter the 5 ranking.

Just in case, I’m going to summon @gojarappe

Yes, I’m asking about Japan.
I assumed @Kazzeon mistyped and meant Japan instead of USA, but I can see how the question is confusing out of context :rofl:

I assumed that as well, but it made me just confused enough to double check with you that you were talking specifically about Japan.

Anyway, I certainlly can’t help you since I’ve never been to Japan. :stuck_out_tongue:

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I’ve never heard of JHS being graded on a 10. My city grades on 5 and schools use 絶対評価 instead of 相対評価. I can ask a couple of more knowledgable people about it tomorrow and get back to you guys, though.


So I consulted Google先生 and looked up 「中学生 10段階評価」and it returned some results about people asking about its equivalency to the regular 5 scale and the prevalence and things like that — I saw some responses about people who’ve heard of others having it, some who themselves had the regular 5 scale for their first couple years in junior high but then had 10 for their third year, and other general comments about more schools adopting the 10 grade scale などなど

It still looks like 5 is more common, but also seems that it’s not rare to see a school (or specific grade at a school apparently) utilize the 10 scale. I wonder if there’s a difference in prevalence depending on region and/or public vs. private schools :thinking:


@gojarappe @MissMisc
Thank youuu :green_heart::green_heart::green_heart:

So, okay, then it makes sense for Natsumi to not know about it, and at the same time, it’s not a completely random trick pulled by the author to make a joke (well, it kinda is, but it’s not as bad as I thought)


Oh boy, I was waiting to see this ​​