しろしろ人 reading

Saw that today in a stream from a Japanese person. I’m assuming this is 白白人? So if you double the white kanji it changes to the kunyomi reading? So is this “しろしろひと”? And basically means “white people”?

Sorry for the random question.

Did you see it spelled しろしろ人?

I searched and found it here for eg:


Here it’s a part of 結婚しろしろ, which is a conjugation of 結婚する, and しろ is doubled for emphasis.

Basically it means “go get married”

Most likely しろしろ人 means people who are pushing you to do something. In example above, to get married. In the stream you saw maybe something else.


idk the context so I was assuming it’s shiro for white but it could be a different word entirely.

But yeah the comment was literally just"しろしろ人"

Mostly just trying to pick out things I can read in chat and guess the simpler sentences and such. Also trying to learn stuff that catches my eye. So that’s why I don’t know the context.

And one sec, gonna read your link.

Honestly it’s difficult to guess what it could mean without a context, especially if it’s a comment in a live chat. Hypothetically a chat comment can be using some internet slang or just have a typo.

But after what I saw I think it’s “person/people who pushes you to do something”. I think it’s unlikely to be related to 白.


Ah that could be it, I tried throwing it in a translator but I know they aren’t reliable, especially without any context. So it was showing up white.

But what you’re explanation makes a lot of sense.

Thank you very much for the help!

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The way it’s structured, it’s not meant for しろしろ to be read as part of a word with 人.

結婚しろしろ is just mimicking the act of 人に勧める

EDIT: Oh, I didn’t realize this wasn’t necessarily the example you were asking about… Nevermind. The 結婚しろしろ thing probably isn’t related at all to the other thing.

Other than both have a repetition of する conjugated to しろ?

I agree that grammatically they are different, but it’s an illustration that しろしろ is a verb and not related to 白

I interpreted しろしろ人 as「しろしろ」と言う人

Do you think it’s correct or do you have a different guess?

It’s very clear to me what しろしろ人 is in the example you found.

I can imagine a lot of things from the comment that is just しろしろ人.

It could be what you said. It is just not clear to me from that alone.

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