Hello my dear companions in this journey. I´ve been experiencing some difficulties since I´ve started with kanji today.
Way more often than not, when I get a kanji, let´s say, for seven 七, i write the right hiragana: しち
When I type enter, what does the System do? NOTHING!!!"!
It shakes right and left the beautiful product of my efforts of 5 minutes searching in my virtual keyboard for the right hiragana and neither gives me a correct oder a wrong feedback. Because of that I´ve not been able to make any progress at all.
I’ve had this issue before. The cause of mine was I had multiple tabs open in my browser running scripts. But @Schnek is only level 01 so probably isn’t using scripts yet, maybe?
@Schnek, could you maybe take some screen shots or something like that, please?
I Knew it! Btw there are often multiple readings for a word (nin - jin for “person”) . Dont type all possible readings as the reading, just type one out of all of them.
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