I only understand a little, but when I learned english I switched all my games to english. So I switched Uno to Japanese, but I don’t understand a lot of what’s on screen. Anyone interested in translated each of the parts for me and telling me about each kanji? I know it’s a lot to ask
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So, starting from the top:
スタッキング = stacking, so I guess the +2s and stuff.
ジャンプ イン = jump in, I don’t really know
フォース プレイ = force play,
ブラフなし = no bluff / without bluffing
ドロートゥーマッチ, apparently, draw 2 match, for some reason using トゥー instead of ツー at least.
It seems you don’t know katakana, since that’s what’s mostly on screen.
I’d recommend learning that, it’s not that hard, and very useful, and also very confusing at times.
The kanji on the cards says:
待機中, which would mean “in stand-by”.
Then, the text on the bottom says:
“Another 2 seconds until the start of the competition.”
Hope that helps.
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