This is a typo that WK denied because it was for the reading but it still made me laugh. 例えば was up and I wasn’t really paying attention so I just typed it out while looking at something else and when I looked at the answer I had typed たたえば and thought “Hold on this doesn’t look right, it’s needs an O sound in there” so I just smacked an お right in the middle and made たたおえば and proceeded to laugh at myself as I got it wrong.
Crazy that they have a word for that
edit: now look at me, this “blew up” and I don’t even have my soundcloud link ready
Many, many typos, but I do not recall them and I have no screenshots of them.
But a funny thing happened long ago with the meaning of 鼻. I did not remember the meaning at the time so I typed in Spanish “No sé” which means “I don’t know” and it got accepted as a correct answer. Sheer chance.
i didn’t make a screenshot, but i always write “Docotr” instead of “Doctor”
Every single time i swear. And WK is always marking it as correct.
So i guess in the future i will only make appointments at my Docotr and no one knows where i want to go.
I know what you can make out if pixies, but what do you make out if fairies?
I really like fairy cheese
Usually my typos are nothing special, but today…on a radical no less…
I wrote “accolate” instead of “allocate”. I…I didn’t even spell it right in English. But thank you, WK, thank you so much!
Thanks Google.
But you didn’t even spell ‘accolade’ right
Right? That’s my favorite part of this whole mess! I didn’t even type in a correct English word, but WK knew what I meant.
ahahah I just came to this thread to post exactly the same typo
“Duck” is the old name, so it’s still included as an invisible synonym.