Well, I almost got it
This shouldnt be legit
Don’t have screenshot, but I just entered ‘to leak’ for 濡らす. I was thinking, is it ‘to wet’ or ‘to leak’. Thought I got it right, until I got to the reading card. Time for an email, I think.
Thanks for your work to report it to make wanikani even better
Don’t think this one has got a lot of attention; I have been confusing secret (秘) with secrete (泌) all this time. Only coincidentally found my error because of the Confusion Guesser script, but otherwise this little guy would have been in Enlightened by now. This should be blacklisted as an answer imo.
EDIT: I sent an e-mail and they have added the two meanings in each other’s blacklist.
I can see the trailer now…
“He kept the peace at a friendly suburban town until the day the demons invaded, now this officer’s dream job was about to become… a COPMARE!”
No, this is clearly the story of a horse who wanted to join the police force.
This just happened…
The left hand doesn’t know what the right hand is doing.
Or maybe it’s more the right hand doesn’t know what the right hand is doing.
Oh my god, I’m only just reading this now and I want the ‘grenant’ guy to read these all aloud.
can oo get… hopsioajtoinj?!?