Your favorite kanji by radical: 糸

Hello everyone! I hope you had a great week (I did)! :purple_heart:

This week the radical is: 糸.

The idea is simple: share your favorite kanji that contains this radical and explain briefly why you like it (to see examples, see the previous post . Suggestion: if you don’t have any inspiration, you can look at jisho per radical…

I think my favorite is 絹 (silk). I like how it looks. I also like its simplicity: 糸 (thread) + 肙 (worm).

Which one is your favorite?

I like (やく) since it’s part of “Promise.” It brings to mind this imagery of people bound by the red string of destiny gently sleeping in the cosmic pool of fate. A string showing the promise between them that they’ll meet in this life or the next.


I guess I like this one: 蠻 meaning barbarian (onyomi ばん and Kunyomi えびす). I am also assuming that barbarian more refers to an outsider.

Given the four radicals on this (2 for thread, one for insect and 1 for say), it gives the impression that this in reference to outsiders who travelled and traded via the Silk Road. Either that or I am reading way too much into this.


I’d have to say 紫 for reasons that my profile picture probably make pretty obvious.


I hate this radical because it appears in so many kanji.

Especially on the left. So many kanji with left-thread.

My favorite kanji with this radical is 絶, because this radical fills me with 絶望.
(But also because it was one of the kanji I knew going into WK)


Just a note on kanji that have the 糸言糸 top part, most of them with that shape got simplified to this style 蛮.

變 > 変
戀 > 恋

So, kids in school learn the simplified versions, and the old versions don’t get used much.

The 䜌 part in all of those kanji is a phonetic element. The meaning doesn’t add anything to it.


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