I started reading on a whim this year when I was trying to distract myself from studying for school.This was at the end of March. I picked up vol 1 of my pile of yotsuba volumes and just read the first chapter in pretty much one go. That was kinda the confidence boost I needed to get the ball rolling, I took a break because exams, continued from there, took another break for exams and since the start of May I read through start of December without skipping a day. I’m on a break again now, so I haven’t gone back to the reading as before, although I might read some stuff here and there still.
I read 31 volumes, 30 of those are from manga and 1 is a collection of short stories for children to get to reading. As my reading challenge kinda coincided with the one on wanikani, you can find it back there or look at my bookmeter. I read all of yotsuba, polar bear café and started spy x family to name a few. In the end I read 223 days with a streak of 188 consecutive days.
That’s only the book side. I have dabbled a little with games as well. Starting with puzzle games such as a shiritori one and various picross ones. The first meaty reading practice game is Skyward Sword, which I’m planning to finish this week. That one probably takes me 50 hours. I’m very proud to have stuck with it as it was pretty tough at the start, but I got better at reading through all the manga. Coming back to it has shown me how much progress I made in just a few months.
Aside from that I kept up with doing grammar in Tobira, which also encourages reading with at least one reading section and several short dialogues. Then there’s the bits and pieces of looking up things online, that are too small of note to list, but have added to the overall experience.
Reading took off, more than I thought it would. Kinda wanted to do the same with listening/watching, although that is still a ways off. I’m watching one anime show with JP subs at the moment whenever I’m like yeah this is a good time.
Things I learned from this year is that repeated exposure really helps and I found manga to be the easiest for me to keep reading on a regular basis. I’m definitely interested in continuing. Starting anything new can still get some getting used to. When things start making sense and the story and characters are really all guiding me forward, it becomes a great source of motivation and energy. It also humbles me, as there is still much to learn and see. There’s still more I feel like I should do with Japanese, but I know I have to take it one step at a time and also give myself the time.
So yeah 2021 has been a great year in this regard and I hope next year is no different. Have a pile of manga to go through, games I want to play and shows I wanna watch. In terms of my learning, I feel like things are just beginning. That might feel a bit discouraging to read back as it took several years to get to this point, but it’s just how it went for me. Things might be different for someone else as we are all learning at a different pace and it might take different approaches to make any sort of headway.