Lets take N2 in December 2021

Hey guys!
I am so grateful for my two wonderful Japanese tutors who skype me from Japan. They volunteer their time and are so dedicated to me. They think I can pass N2 in December. I feel like that’s a pretty intense goal for me…I also go to college and work. So I don’t know if I can meet that deadline. But I feel like I owe it to my teachers to try. Even if I fail it will be a learning ecprence. Anyone else aiming to pass N2 in December? We can talk about it here. Share study plans, resources, and encourage each other.



I’m already signed up to give it a go this July but it’s probably not going to happen as I only just passed N3 in December, lol. I’m mostly going to do it for the lulz and to see where I am.

So yeah, I guess my goal is to pass in December 2021 as well.


I don’t plan to take any jlpt kind of tests right now atleast. But i wish you best of luck.


I’m hoping to take the N2 in December too! I’ve been working with the 新完全マスター books for reading comprehension and grammar. The reading one is particularly useful as I find it’s not enough to simply understand the readings, that I have to learn how to systematically analyze them for different patterns which is a skill unto itself.


Im planning on taking the N2 in December too! Hopefully they don’t cancel it again :pray:
Currently working through Tobira and will move onto the 新完全マスター series to prep for the test. Mainly the grammar and reading book. Im also aiming to be around level 50 on Wanikani by December to cover the Kanji.

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I’m hoping for this same goal, though I’m not certain how realistic it is. I’ve completed up through the N3 grammar on Bunpro (plus a ton of supplementary materials), and I plan on getting cracking with N2 material probably next month.

I read a LOT and my reading level has really skyrocketed in the last few months as I forced myself to suffer through reading light novels. Well…it felt like suffering at first anyway - now I can read 10-20 pages a day without feeling like my head is going to explode, and my passive vocabulary has grown by leaps and bounds. I’m actually reasonably confident I’ll get through the N2 reading section without too much trouble (I can already do pretty well on practice questions). I’ll also be level 60 on WK in less than a week - so I know the kanji won’t be an issue, which is wonderful! (Thanks WK! <3)

However, my listening ability is quite poor - at this point I doubt I could score well on anything higher than the N4 listening section. (I’m 50-50 or so on most N3 listening practice questions I attempt) But I plan to spend a lot of time on that in the coming months. I also have the 新完全マスター set, so over the summer I’ll begin really digging into that too. Good luck to everyone else here as well!


I hope I’ll get there soon too. Reading feels really painful at the moment. Good luck, if you are planning to take the exam!


You will 100% get there if you keep it up, believe me! Even now, some days can be really difficult if I’m not in the right mood or my brain just won’t cooperate for some reason or another. But just read a little bit everyday - as much as you can tolerate and as much as you have time for. Try to find a balance between challenging yourself with material that is clearly above your level and things that are very easy. It will be really frustrating sometimes - you’ll swear you haven’t learned a thing or improved at all - but this is all an illusion! You get a little bit better and learn a little bit more every single time you push yourself to read something, even if it doesn’t feel like it!


I signed up for N3 this July and will try N2 in December if that goes well. :slight_smile: Not sure what level I’m at, but I’m currently doing an N2 level textbook (Authentic Japanese). I’m moving to Japan in less than a month (spouse visa) and plan to attend some community Japanese classes to practice speaking, then just slamming as much media as possible and finding a language partner. My husband speaks a dialect of kansai-ben called banshu-ben and I really want to learn that, but I’m moving to Kanagawa so I’m on the lookout for kansai-ben teachers! Haha

Good luck! Life is more interesting with a goal, I think. I really recommend Japanese Ammo with Misa if you haven’t seen it yet. I found some slangy grammar in my textbook that I only learned through her videos. ガンバロー!


I think reading is such a good thing to do for preparation. Also listening practice, they really try to get you on the exam with sentences that go back and forth. For example, it will go like

A: 月曜日公園に会いましょうか?
B: はい!あっ、思い出した。あの日予定がありますが…火曜日はどう?空いてますか?
A: いいえ、仕事があるんですよ。



but much worse


I wonder if I can get to level 30 on wanikani by that time

God, this is so accurate. They’ll go back and forth on the same basic point 2-3 times so that if you miss one small word or nuance, you’ll end up with the completely wrong idea. :sob:


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