I recently started with WaniKani and I enjoy it a lot. I also enjoy coding so decided to work on open-source web-app that helps me to review some of the items. It’s not much, just yet another assistance app (like KameSame, but with far less features). If someone is interested to test it and give some feedback I will be very thankful. (or to propose some feature ideas or even make some pull requests).
It is currently available under https://kazan.vadimgush.com (I didn’t bother with a good domain yet)
And the code is available on Github: GitHub - gush-labs/kazan: Web-app to help you practice Japanese (WaniKani assistance tool)
Currently it has the following features:
- Kana typing (like in WaniKani)
- Font selection
- No registration required, just WaniKani API token
- WaniKani vocabulary review by different levels (meaning, reading, translation)
- Kana review
I’m trying to make it as mobile friendly as possible. Though there are some issues with spellcheck on iOS and review interface is currently not great for interaction on mobile.
If you have any feature ideas I will be happy to implement them, if you have any feedback I will be happy to hear it.