Why doesn't WK teach 蹴?

Am I missing something? It seems pretty common, its in JLPT, and its in the list of 常用漢字. I had it pulled up on HouHou which shows the WK level things are on, and I noticed it didn’t have a level. I decided to check just out of curiosity and it actually wasn’t there.

On top of this, are there any other kanji like this that WK doesn’t teach? Might as well get them out of the way sooner than later.


Yeah there are a number of fairly common kanji WK doesn’t teach. Not sure what the reasoning is.

Couple relevant threads:


It’s not a top 2000 kanji, so I don’t really see it being that big of an oversight.

?? Its listed at the 1276th most used.

On what list?

This was where I found it.

I would suggest first few of these first. These are non-Joyo extracted from WaniKani context sentences.


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I used HouHous list.

On the off chance they were wrong by 800 places I checked here: Kanji usage frequency

That uses a data set of over 850 million so I trust it. It put 蹴 at ~#1600

EDIT: varies very slightly from source to source. All were under #1700 and twitters was ~#1400

I’m not sure where Houhou gets its data from, but 1200 definitely seems generous.

It’s mostly used in one verb (and its variants), so I mean, if you read something with lots of kicking, I guess you’ll see it a lot.

Either way, the second source I listed is far more credible than what you linked. Yours only says that it gets them from japanese news papers. Doesn’t say how big the data set is, or what newspapers it comes from. Id say its pretty safe to assume that 蹴 is sub 2000.

From this The KANJIDIC Pages Have Moved

Well, newspapers alone explains the bias away from the subject of kicking, I guess. Jim Breen likes action manga, maybe. :slight_smile:

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HouHou’s source is from newspapers too, though. Maybe one dataset just included newspapers that talked about soccer and stuff? Who knows.

For this reason, I lean towards using wikipedia based stuff. Covers pretty much every topic imaginable, giving a relatively impartial result.

I just looked at the first two kanji on that list and it sorta raises more questions…

Why would 嘘 and 喋 not be on WK or joyo?

There are a handful of very common kanji that aren’t in the joyo list. It kind of solves itself… most Japanese people will probably know those before they get to high school just by absorbing them.

Is there an actual reason for that? Sorta goes against the name to not have commonly used kanji on the 常用 kanji list.

I guess the fact that I knew the first 2/3 I looked at kinda proves that, but still. I would at least expect WK to have them. If anything I could get behind WK getting rid of 俺 and such because the reason you stated, but 嘘 and 喋 seem like a bit more of a stretch. Just my opinion doe.

Since the joyo list was created, almost 200 kanji have been added to it (so even when it started it, it had lots of room to actually represent the commonly used kanji). Plus many of the kanji in it are not common at all. I think the answer you’re looking for is “bureaucracy”.

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I love the fact that both kanjis of 珈琲 appear next to each other in that order.
In hindsight, if the list was build by just reading through all source material without any specific treatment, it makes sense though.

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