When are kanji written as hiragana?

I came up across many words wich are written in kanji but were written in hiragana instead. especially when texting with people. Some examples I encountered are 良い(いい)、何で(なんで)、何(なに) etc.
I also found this example sentence in WK


Is there a reason why かみ and ぼくaren’t written in in Kanji?

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I remember that question :slight_smile:

Check the thread and my link here:


your explanation on satori reader is on point. perfect!!
thanks alot :bowing_man:t5: :grin:

Always good to keep note of those kanji though. I have actually seen quite a few of these types of kanji used on dating app profiles commonly, like 宜しく (よろしく) and 有り難う. The VN I’m currently playing actively uses any kanji it can, so I’m getting quite familiar with them. :grin: In active chats and especially handwriting, however, hiragana rules! :rofl:

I recall last year one of my JTEs was attempting to explain how a cousin was related to him to the students, but he forgot the kanji for いとこ. :smirk:

In the WK example sentence, my guess is they just wanted to make the sentence easier to read. Those would probably be kanji in a sentence intended for natives.


Back when Twitter only had 140 characters, it was also quite common to see this kind of thing.

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Actually, I remember reading it’s still 140 for Japanese and Chinese users (unless I read it wrong).

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Twitter got rid of the 140 character thing? Considers attempting to use it again…

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I have put this question to Japanese people because I was curious myself and from what I gather using “too many” kanji can make it look too Chinese. When writing it seems they try to keep a balance of kanji and kana.

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that sounds interesting🤔

@Fuffy was right though, I didn’t know this myself but although the character limit on Twitter is now 280, a Japanese glyph counts as 2 characters. So for Japanese characters (not users), the limit is effectively still 140.

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