Yeah, watching the fast folks zoom through stuff is always tough. I’m not one of those fast people (it’s taken me two years to get to level 17, for various reasons) and I can admit that I’ve fallen into that thinking sometimes when people who started learning after I did are zooming past me in level or ability. What I’ve found helps is finding a metric for yourself that you can measure against that isn’t one of those people. For a while, my metric was just doing ten or fifteen lessons a day. More recently, I’ve installed this heatmap script to give me a visual metric on whether I’m doing reviews and lessons at least once a day, which helps more than just me holding myself accountable for it.
Fast is flashy, but slow and steady can win the race just as surely. You’ve made it to level 14, that’s more than a lot of folks do and gives you a really good chance at making it the whole way. Find and keep a pace that works for you, because that’s when you’ll be doing your best learning.
As for the giant stack of vocab, hopefully the lesson ordering will help get that more under control for you, but also don’t worry about doing all the vocab lessons in one session, if that’s what you’ve been doing. You move a mountain one stone at a time and chances are, you’ll also learn them better if you break them up. I only do ten or fifteen vocab lessons a day, usually, regardless of what the stack looks like, and it might seem a bit slow, but it can go surprisingly quickly.
Hope even some of this is helpful, but at the very least, keep in mind you’re not alone in any of this and the folks here are always willing to offer support or advice.