I am Level 5!

It feels like I’ve climbed a mountain of kanji and vocabulary. I’m starting to understand some really basic sentences, and now I think it’s time to start with grammar.

Though, I am painfully slow with leveling up. This is mostly due to me completing all the vocab lessons for a level before moving onto the next level’s vocab lessons, and then that next level’s radical and kanji lessons. Level 3 and 4 took about fifteen days to complete each. I have come up with a new order of lessons to do. It goes against what I said in my previous post regarding motivation, however, I’m starting to realize that it was more laziness than burnout.

Order of lessons.
All radicals and kanji - Same day.

A third of the total vocab (or a fourth, fifth, etc., depending on the amount to make it reasonable.), starting from the previous level. - Next day.
This vocab division is repeated everyday onward until all vocab lessons are finished.

This is just for when I level up. Small amounts of vocab lessons and unlocked kanji lessons will be done as soon as they come in. I’m interested in any thoughts or changes I could make to this lesson system.



If it works well for you then great but personally I preferred mixing things up. Even when I was going “full speed” I would try to spread things up as much as possible.

The main reason is avoiding getting “spikes” in your reviews where suddenly you’re asked to review 30 kanji in a row and also because WaniKani often clusters the vocab for a given kanji around a couple of levels and then you get nothing for dozens of levels (or ever). By spreading vocab across multiple levels you effectively also spread the vocab for any given kanji which I think it’s generally positive (unless the kanji has very little associated vocab, but that only really becomes an issue later in the course).


I think 15 days per level is a realistic amount of time if you want to do other Japanese leaning/immersion as well.


I agree with you. But, it does just feel a little bit to slow for someone like me at this time. Only yesterday, I started using that old dusty Genki textbook I had laying around because I plan to increase my kanji knowledge and vocabulary quickly with WK while simultaneously improving my grammar, reading, and listening with Genki.

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Good job!
When you have learned enough to be able to read native material, will your first step be to play Danganronpa in Japanese?


I went down from 7 days per level at the lower levels to over a month per level now, and I’m totally fine with it. As long as you’re making progress, congratulate yourself for the success!


ダンガンロンパ?I plan to finish all of the games (and the anime.) Once I’m near that level of Japanese, I’m doing an achievement hunt on all the games in JP.