What percent correct do you usually get on your reviews?

I’m usually shooting above 95% on every review session, but I spent 10 years learning Chinese before starting on Japanese so the kanji recognition isn’t the hardest part for me (it’s remembering the new pronunciations).

I post this topic because sometimes if I end up with like 89% I’ll call myself a baka but then I realized I’m still doing pretty good actually.

Not meant to be a humblebrag, I’m genuinely curious.


I shoot for anything between 80-89%. Anything more and the course is too easy and I can speed up; anything less and I need to slow down and regroup.


I think there may have been a previous thread on this topic?

Personally I’m happy with anything over 80%, but I do get a little bit excited if I get 100%.


I’m also expecting that my %correct will go down as I get into the higher levels. I’m pretty impressed seeing all the posters on here with levels in the 20s and above. I’ve been putting 1-2 hours a day in for the last month or two and I’m only on level 5.


I only level up on average once or twice a month. :slight_smile:

How many times do you do your reviews?

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I try to do reviews at least twice a day, in the morning and in the evening. In the middle I try to knock out as many lessons as I have the mental energy to do, which ends up being ~15-20 per day.


I’m happy if I finish over 80% but I try not to worry about it too much. I’m learning a language, not taking a test. If I get something wrong I try to take the time to remind myself of the meaning and/or reading and hope to get it right next time.


Sometimes it’s really good. Sometimes it’s reaaaally bad. :smiley: I try not to get discouraged, but there are some kanji I probably would have burned that I sent all the way down to apprentice again. Simple ones like 分ける and 了


That’s good. :slight_smile:

Don’t get discouraged – accuracy drops the further along the course you go, and it’s natural. You’re already doing reviews more than once a day, which will help.

If you’re having difficulties retaining too many lessons of the same type, you can switch the lesson ordering to Ascending Level Then Shuffled (in Settings > App), but at the cost that it will take you a little more to progress. Personally I can’t stand to do more than 4 kanji out of 10 lessons. Limiting yourself to a hard 15 lessons a day and no more might also help you keep motivated without dreading lesson time; personally I limit myself to 10 and do reviews anywhere between 1-3 times a day.


Thanks for the encouragement, and for the tip—I didn’t know I could change that. I kind of like doing the ascending levels because it seems like there is some logic to the order WK presents new words in. I’m lucky enough to live in Japan, so one of the things that keeps me motivated is going outside every day and looking at signs and realizing I’m slowly able to understand more and more of what I see around me. I’m sure a motivational slump will hit at some point but it’s good to just keep up the routine and power through it.


From wkstats.com:10001 (Need to link your API to use the site)

Overall I’m really happy with 92%! :smiley: This is going off percentage of reviews correct I think, so it’s a different average from what you see on the summary screen (which is a bit lower).


I’ve been on this level for a while…


I expect it will get harder once I level up a bit more, but I usually try my hardest when doing reviews.


90+ usually unless hungover or first thing in the morning rushing then 80+

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Something from 90%-100%. Usually something like 98%, 100% is really rare if there are more than 40 reviews, I tend to slip a little if it goes on longer than that.

Those are some impressive stats. What’s your secret?

Quite low accuracy. I don’t mind making mistakes, I’m simply pushing for inbox zero.
I’m usually around 90%, sometimes 85% or below when I skip a day or more.
(With the WK override script)

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Huh, my percentages are a lot better than I thought they would be!

Anyways, I never really sweat getting a terrible review grade every once in a while, which tends to happen in the mornings lol. The more you fail, the more you learn. I try to go by dwarf fortress’ motto; “Losing is fun!”

Ps, thanks for the stat site, it’s really interesting!

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At the beginning, from level 1 to 20, I was around 80-85%. Lately, I’ve been around 65-70%.


Thanks! I don’t know exactly. What might have helped me though is that during earlier levels (1-5) I used to use the self-study script regularly to recall the vocabulary in between review sessions. I dropped the idea though 'cause of the increasing number of items. However, right now I use KameSame daily which probably serves a similar purpose as the script. Having to recall a japanese translation for given english vocabulary after you guru`ed the WK item seems to work for me. I hope I can keep up the pace of >95% but we will see how it goes later on.

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