Wah I feel like I’m doing so little Japanese, reading all these daily routines here.
For me it currently is keeping up with Wanikani and I just added Bunpro for grammar since I heard a lot of good stuff about it.
I’m still trying to figure out what would be best to use to get the non WK N5 vocab so that I keep there a well rounded balance between the kanji and non-kanji vocab. Any hints are welcome. (maybe Torii ?)
Lastly I want to try to pick up my Minna no Nihongo Book and work it through to the end. Especially since the CD has a lot of listening practice that should be helpful.
Anything else I am missing for working myself towards the JLPT N5???
However with work and a baby boy at home you sure have also other priorities besides Japanese But I definitely don’t want to quit and work towards the N5 test maybe next summer.