What is your average score? Does it affect your mood?

I think one thing that’s not often discussed with SRS is that people have varying memory spans. “Just before you forget it” is different for everyone. I would love to be able to shorten the gap between SRS intervals and add another interval somewhere before enlightened. I think it would vastly improve my retention rate and help reduce the burnout I get from lesson piles due to forgetting something I learned just a few days ago.

I realize that’s probably a lot of coding and debugging to do though, so it’s not something I’d ask for at this point in the site’s development.


I must say I’m also very surprised of how much I already know and understand each time I look at an NHK News Easy article. If you feel you miss out on too much because of missing vocab, you might want to check out the TangoRisto app - this gives you the articles together with furigana (configurable) plus you can click on each word and get a translation, even with grammar breakdown for verbs (although I think that sometimes these are not correct, or maybe I just don’t understand the grammar yet ^^).
It also shows you the general difficulty of the articles so you can pick the easier ones in the beginning.


Coding wise this should be something that could be implemented in under a day. To be fair WaniKani learning system is not complex to program at all. Wanikani put far more effort is having a nice user interface and populating its learning system with useful stuff.

What I’d like to see is “how many times would you like to see items before burning them” with 6 times being the minimum. Another question would be “Over what time frame would you like to see items before burning them?” with 6 months being the minimum.

It would mess up the guruing schedule, but, well …

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I have about 120-150 reviews every day, but I do them in small batches. I review in the morning (30-50 reviews) and then throughout the day (when I’m on the bus, when I get home, before I go to sleep), whenever reviews are due.
My average score is pretty high, but I really take my time with the lessons so, maybe it’s just that.

On a side note, yesterday we were on a birthday party and I still did my reviews before going to sleep, although I was a bit drunk. :joy: Happy to say I still got over 90% right and even more happy that I didn’t screw up on the new radicals and kanji which would have thrown me back at least a day. I don’t know why I thought it was a good idea to do the reviews anyway. :sweat_smile:

When I get the meaning right but mess up on the reading I’m not that sad, because right now the meaning is more important to me. When I don’t remember the meaning any more it feels bad for a bit. But I’m a Slytherin, so that just fuels my ambition and doesn’t bring me down for long. :muscle:


That’s interesting. I have slightly less reviews per day although averaging on 7 days a level

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I took my time with the first 4 levels (12 days per level I think) and I stayed even longer on level 3 (because I couldn’t decide if I should get lifetime or not). Now I think it’s about 8-9 days per level and I’m fine with that. :blush:
I don’t think the number of reviews per day differs that much, because the longer you wait the more “old” stuff reappears, so it really could be that you have less reviews but are faster.

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True, but everybody will at some point hit the level where their old items are coming up for Burn, and if you do your reviews on time (but do fewer lessons per day) you’ll start getting items to Burn at exactly the same time as someone going faster. So how fast you go through the lessons is the biggest factor in how many reviews you get per day - assuming you do your reviews on time, the only other factor is accuracy.

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Yeah, I guess you’re right. In the beginning, when I took my time with lessons, I had an average of 80 reviews a day I think, sometimes much less.
I’m just now starting to speed up a bit so that’s probably the real reason why I have more reviews than @sirati97 but still a slower average speed.


Yeah, and your speed at all of your past levels will continue to affect you… forever!!! :stuck_out_tongue:

But yes, if you’ve ever gone slowly, that will always mean you have fewer old items coming up every day, and vice versa if you’ve ever gone fast. I think that’s why it’s so important to consider from the beginning what pace you’re happy with, because your decisions will continue to affect you!


I’m in a different boat. As I already know much of the kanji, my accuracy is currently 98 percent. I honestly feel a little bad when my percentage during reviews drops below 99. This will obviously change when I start actually learning new characters. I hope to at least be above 95 percent correct by that time. I will adjust as I see fit.

As for doing this while sleep-deprived, I make sure I am mostly awake when I learn “new material.” Most of my reviews occur during my dull overnight shifts.


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