What do you want now? (Request extensions here)

Here I am at post 1840 / 1840, i.e., your post. I hit ‘home’ button and I go to 1 / 1840. Hit ‘end’ button and I’m back at 1840 / 1840. You can hit ‘home’ or ‘end’ any where in the posts and it’ll take you to the first or last post!

Happy New Year to all! :slight_smile:

Thank you, I’m well aware of that. Not what the post was about. It’s for when a new thread is created (e.g. book club) and I want to track the thread while the posts in the thread stays “unread”, in addition to being able to quickly track the thread from anywhere in it.

Happy New Year to you too :durtle_the_explorer: :sparkles:

I’m wanting a button on each radical/kanji/vocab page that just says “burn this item”. Clicking the button would burn the item. There are MANY useless vocab words in my queue that I can guess the meaning of from seeing the kanji, and that have standard readings with 0 surprises. Uncluttering my lessons menu by being able to burn these items to get them out of my way would be excellent for my productivity as a whole.

This is actually a very difficult task, since WK doesn’t let you just go and burn an item whenever.

I could probably say something like “no item is useless”, and “you aren’t learning them for the vocab but for the kanji in them”, etc etc, but maybe instead just check if this works still: [Userscript] Item Filter

I still wouldn’t do this with kanji or radicals though.

There are definitely items that are useless to be reviewing though. Useful words to learn include words that fit any of the categories below. bonus points if it hits multiple:

  1. they’re VERY common, and you are likely to hear them
  2. you can’t figure out what they mean close enough to be useful just based on the kanji they’re composed of
  3. they have rendaku or have some exceptional readings and you’ve not seen reading/rendaku patterns like that before.

the highlighted words are great examples of words I don’t need to learn: on a single glance, I can tell you what they mean, and how they’re read without needing to check.

we’ve got “nenpai”, which I already learned months ago, but is now showing up in my lessons for some reason(likely cause it was moved to a lower level recently).
we’ve got “goji”, which is very likely to mean something like “mistaken/incorrect kanji”.
we’ve got “goyou”, which is very likely to mean “misused”(and the context is likely with words being misused).
we’ve got “donnburi”, which is a big bowl of rice topped with beef which I’ve had at a japanese restaurant near me.
there’s “tategaki”, which I guessed at the reading for and got completely correct, it just means vertical writing. I knew this one because I’d seen “tategatahaishin” before when watching noel shirogane.
There’s “seichi”, which is obviously “holy grounds”
There’s “nattou”, which is a gross fermented bean in japan that fuwawa the hololive vtuber hates eating. fair enough that there’s a weird reading for the first kanji, but as soon as I saw the kanji for beans was “tou”, and the kanji for supply this level also had a listed reading of “naxtu”, it was simple to put 2 and 2 together. I already know this word, effectively.
there’s “oozonn”, which does have rendaku, but I guessed the reading of this one correctly first try(and the meaning is very obvious, as always), so I don’t really see any reason to review it. “heavens”(oozora) has the same sort of rendaku to it, so knowing that word already taught me this one’s readings as well.

if I’ve got 15 of those that are useless per level(it’s usually about that, if not more. you could also lump one of the 2 trans/intrans pairs in there, especially if they have the same meanings for both. there’s a bunch of that per level that just waste my time), then suddenly that’s 900 extra flashcards of uselessness. time is better spent elsewhere, like reading native material, listening to native material, or doing almost anything else, really.

If there’s going to be 10 different vocab words per kanji, I’d rather they fit one of the 3 bullet points above, instead of being dead weight, but that’s a different topic, and I’ve ranted enough on this at length already.

I understand that burning items might not be as simple as I thought, but doesn’t have to be burnt: I just need them to not show up in my reviews and I want to keep my lessons screen full of lessons I actually plan on learning, that’s good enough for me. I’ll check out that filter plugin you linked, it’s description seems promising. Big 'prec.

Well, gotta remember, Wanikani, despite what it seems to be making itself out to be, is mainly a kanji learning platform, not a vocab learning platform. You learn vocab to aid the kanji learning and not the other way around.

Are you mixing up どんぶり with 牛丼ぎゅうどn here?

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Misstyped, but yes, gyuudon is what I’d meant.

It’s fair that it’s a kanji learning platform first, but there was so much missed potential for there to be useful words included also. I like to clean my lessons page out and gradually make progress and such, but the optimal strategy is to have LOTS of vocab words just permanently stay as lessons, cluttering the hell out of that page. I guess it’s mostly on me for thinking that if there’s a word available to learn, I should just “clear it out”, but that’s a beginner trap if ever I’ve seen one.

but, if the plugin you suggested works, I get the best of both worlds: my lesson page gets cleared, and I don’t have to deal with useless vocab words.

Rejoice! Button is magically back :eyes: :sparkles: Wuiii


WKstats only tracks Kanji, not vocabulary. I’d like to track vocabulary according to JLPT level. I found this website WaniKani Statistics which aparently does jjust this, but my API key won’t work so maybe it has been discontinued or something.

that’s the old version of the website which uses an old version of the API ley that is no longer used by wankani anymore. Here is the updated version of the site wkstats.com

Thanks! I knew about this, and use it, but as far as I know you cannot track vocabulary on this. Just Kanji :frowning:

Vocab technically doesn’t really have a JLPT level. All of the lists you find online are actually just reverse engineered from previous years’ tests. It’s also only really useful if you are trying to get ready for the higher level jlpt tests (so N2/N1 mainly), and you want to make sure that you get all the possible words into your dictionary before it.

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i don’t know if it’s even possible, let alone if anyone else would want it, but i would love if i needed to guru 100% of a level’s kanji before moving on to the next

Hey, I’m really wanting a reorder kind of script for “one language at a time.”

So like in any given review, I would do all the prompts where it wants me to enter readings (in random order), and only when I’ve done all of the reading prompts in that review, then I do the prompts where it wants me to enter the meanings (in random order). That way one language can be concentrated on at a time.

It’s a ton easier and faster for me to do them when I don’t have to be continually and randomly switching up between my “English brain” and my “Japanese brain.” It also helps to develop the Japanese brain if you don’t constantly have the English intruding (until necessary).

It would also be useful for mobile users who have to keep switching which keyboard to type with (like my husband, apparently there’s no way to automate switching keyboards automatically on his phone)

Hello, does any mass unburn and/or do reviews in order of level still work, or any ETA for when they might if not? I just resubbed after years, but it’s really overwhelming without both those features and it seems both scripts that support it are broken? I tried in advanced options in Smouldering Durtles but it doesn’t seem to work either. I’d rather not roll-back my level… Thank you!

I would love a very simple script. all it does is collapse items by level by default on the lessons page. when you click/unclick, it collapses/uncollapses the items under it. it’d work very similarly to the sections you can click when reviewing items and scrolling down(screenshot attached).

Not sure, if this is feasible or was already requested, but I would like a script / extenision that brings back burned items from time to time. Ideally it would weave them in with the regular reviews.

Why don’t you use the resurrect feature of Wanikani? If you go on the item page for a burned item and scroll way down to the bottom you will find a resurrect button. If you click to that button the item is put in Apprentice mode and you can review it again.

I have not tested this so I am not 100% sure but I think once an item is resurrected it becomes a hide button. if you click to this button again if puts the item back in the burn state.

Because I think it would be good to have all of them all come back from time to time as a single review, not having to start all over again. To do all of them in the way you described, would be cumbersome, having to click every item.

Disabling the moving topbar in the Dashboard.
Including not having Lesson/Review suddenly turn up in it.