Katakana Madness doesn’t work anymore?
I just tried it and it does seem to work during reviews (at least on one kanji, 命)
oh thanks!! I had another one and didn’t knew there was at least two of those userscripts.
though, it’d be great when there wasn’t any userscript needed and WaniKani did this on it’s own, because you wouldn’t need anyone to update any database when there are new Kanji to learn. plus, it would be just right that you learn that the On’yomi readings are foreign, thus being written in Katakana. or do I miss any important aspect here why it’s not Katakana? maybe this site is meant to be for Japanese beginners aswell, when they don’t know any Katakana characters. but in my opinion people should know them aswell before learning Kanji. it’s an advantage too because some radicals look alike and you may for example remember the reading of ノマ easily.
You could pretty easily make a script that doesn’t need to be updated now, the script is just old
The reason is because onyomi is not typically written in katakana. Having it in katakana is solely a dictionary convention. It’s fine as a quick way to see what kind of reading it is, but you shouldn’t expect to see it in katakana anywhere other than a dictionary
just done my first batch of reviews with the “Katakana Madness” script and it was kinda weird but I do like it. I also don’t know all the characters yet so it’s a good practice.
I also have those Kanji Flashcards where the On’yomi readings are written in Katakana so I figured that it should have been the right way… thank you for proving me wrong
It would be nice if there were a script that during lessons showed component information for radicals that are also kanji just like you see when the same item is introduced later as a kanji.
I would implement this if someone could find a high quality source of hosted audio files for the kun’yomi readings. The free tier of Google Cloud’s Wavenet product could probably be used to generate the files for free. Then the audio could either be bundled with the script or hosted somewhere. I don’t have time to do the generation / finding a host part of things though.
I’ve been looking around for a possible script that works with the context sentences for each vocab word. Specifically what I’m looking to make are Anki audio cards that utilize the context sentences from WaniKani. Ideally the cards would have audio with no clue on the front and then the Japanese and English context sentences on the back. If I could follow along each level of words while getting the listening practice as well it would be amazing! I’d be happy even if there was a script that could just batch pull the context sentences out of Wanikani.
I would love a script that lets me choose how many reviews to do at once (i.e. if I have 100 reviews available, but I only have time to do 50).
I usually only have time to do WaniKani reviews twice a day, in the morning and at night. I’m trying to make more time in my schedule, but in the meantime it would be nice if I could choose how many reviews to do according to how much time I have.
By default, because of the way WaniKani orders reviews and often spaces out reading and meaning (which I LOVE!) for the same character, if I stop a review session part way through WaniKani will not count as reviewed the ones I only answered half (either reading or meaning) for, and I often feel I have wasted my time answering those.
If there is an existing script that could be used to do this, please point me to it! The closest I saw was the SRS reorder scripts.
Are there any way to see how many items you have resurrected? I’ve lost count
With the Item Inspector script you can do it.
- Install Item Inspector.
- In the Settings - Optional Filters settings install the Dates and Events filters. This will bring up the filter you need.
- In the settings go to the Table tab and the Filters tab beneath it. Find the Had Resurrected filter and use it.
This will display your resurrected items. You will have a count of how many of them there are.
Excellent! Thank you, @prouleau. The amount was fewer than I thought, haha.
Great! I am glad to have another happy user.
I don’t know such a script, but with a little effort you can mostly imitate what you need already.
Simply wrap up your session every once in a while (bottom left icon, see below), which will at most add 10 more reviews to your session, i think.
So if you wrap up when you’ve completed 40 reviews, you should get close to a 50 review session.
It would probably handy if you saw the number of half-answered reviews in the session in the top right (meaning or reading only), in addition to the fully answered reviews (0 in this case), that would be a nice script in any case.
I would love to see a script similar to the one available in the Tsurukame app in where after a mistake during review, you have the option to ask it later during that same review. I feel it’s like a second chance before getting punished, ideally having limit of maybe 1-2 ask laster per kanji that way you still jog your memory and if after 2 you really can’t remember, then you really downgrade.
Is there, or could there be, a script that changes the part of speech to Japanese in the lessons?
And/or is there a way to turn the entirety of WaniKani dashboard+ into Japanese 'cause I can’t find it if there is. Lol.
I think there was a script which reminds you of mnemonics when learning a vocab item whose reading you already know , instead of just saying you already know the reading without reminding you of the mnemonic for it. Does anyone remember what that script is?
There is indeed a script for that, which I assume still works:
what about a script that shows the traditional form of the kanji (or the entire vocab) when we hover the mouse on it ?