great that you’re saying that though because that’s abolutely what i intend to do as well still, i wanna do a couple of days just doing basic stuff -refreshing old knowledge with new vocabulary. i know in principle what functions are and how the basic statements (if, for, while, var and such) work, so i guess the first major roadblock will be the API stuff, which i have no clue about yet. the rest is just practice. i guess. i hope
WKOF handles most of the API stuff, so that’s actually pretty simple. DOM manipulation and CSS might be a bit tricky
yes, just wanting to manipulate some basic CSS stuff on the wanikani dashboard (with the ‘stylish’ addon) confused the hell outta me probably won’t be any easier on the lesson page …
A script that would be nice: auto-play kanji audio when the reading is just the vocab reading, during kanji (reading) reviews and maybe lessons.
For example: 一 (いち) or 丸 (まる) as Kanji - there’s basically no reason not to play the audio here, making you learn the proper pronunciation and pitch accent right when learning or reviewing the reading, and giving you a hint that it’s a vocab reading.
I’d probably write this soon if i wasn’t using an app to review, and if i wasn’t busy on my kanji search site.
Codeacademy has really good free interactive courses for various parts of web dev (and other programming topics if you’re interested).
JavaScript Learn JavaScript | Codecademy
html Learn HTML | Codecademy
CSS Learn CSS | Codecademy
Jquery Learn jQuery | Codecademy
I don’t recall how much javascript’s course goes into plain DOM manipulation but the jquery course should be enough to do what you need.
Jquery is installed by wkof on Wanikani so you can use it straightaway. This is more advanced stuff. You should go through Javascript and css first. The w3schools tutorials I linked is a good starter on css.
Edit: this comment is directed to @anon88459823
I think jquery is installed by WK itself, and not by WKOF.
And that’s fair, JQuery isn’t exactly the most useful these days anyway since most websites are removing it. I put the course there because it is the closest course I could find for DOM manipulation.
yeah, already on that thanks to you! really well structured and i can already see JS HTML DOM and JS JSON and JS web API and JS vs JQUERY and all the good stuff somewhere down in the menu. that’ll take a while to get there
jquery is some external library sort of thing i guess? i only know i have to ‘allow’ it in the umatrix browser addon.
Jquery is really just a library that adds methods that makes DOM manipulation a bit easier, because it’s kind of annoying and ugly to do it through plain JS. And since it’s already available on WK, a lot of scripts tends to use it.
For me jQuery was a good crutch as I was learning. Now I try to avoid it whenever I can
I think you are right. I just checked the code. WKOF installs the Jquery UI module which is not the same thing.
Having started with Javascript about 9 or 10 years ago, jquery, at the time, was very much about efficiency and simplifying javascript, which was very rough at the time. Jquery significantly shaped what Javascript has become over the years.
So, I agree… jquery, as of a few years ago, is much less “necessary”. And it still does aid in learning.
Although I’m getting there, I’m not quite to that point yet. If you need backward compatability – which I often do in my work – the core parts of jquery still help a lot with fixing the quirks of old browsers. But now there are two paths: use something like jquery, which fixes both js and some rendering issues; or use a transpiler that translates modern javascript to whatever level of js compatibility you need… but you still have to be aware of the rendering incompatibilities and other limitations.
I look forward to the day where my clients are willing to give up support for their clients’ ancient PCs!
Me too… But first I need to find some clients
I don’t know where you are in your life and/or career, but if you’re interested in contract work, email me. If you know my main email address, use that. Otherwise, use rfindley at blackcat dot dev.
I really appreciate the offer, and coming from you it means a lot (I kind of look up to you), but I am not quite at that point yet. For starters I don’t think I know anything well enough yet to actually work with it, but I also don’t really know what I am doing right now. I’m planning on doing an online CS degree once I finish my Japanese degree (next semester), but I’m also planning on moving to the US next year (if Covid allows), so I’m not really sure what I will be doing for a living in the near future.
I will send you an email @blackcat as well, perhaps this isn’t the best place to talk about this
I think your scripts are amazing, i thought you’re probably a better software developer than me, and i’ve studied CS and have a software dev job, so it seems to me you should have an even easier job finding one don’t let impostor syndrome stop you, many people even with CS degrees underestimate their abilities.
You probably know that a CS degree is not about becoming good at programming, most of the useful programming skills for jobs you learn outside of it.
Absolutely! I think formal education can’t make a good programmer. It can only make a good programmer better.
(And get them better paychecks )
Most important part
a userscript which turns the Hiragana into Katakana in On’yomi readings that actually works would be very nice <3