What do you want now? (Request extensions here)

Request a Web Application or a script to mark the lowest WaniKani level to access all Kanji in a given word, or each word in a word list.

For example, 織田 信長

織 is level 27
田 is level 2
信 is level 15
長 is level 6

So, the result would be level 27.

I plan to do a whole list on names, or selected vocab.

It would be nice to be able to compute a whole list, like

織田長政 (大名)
織田信成 (フィギュアスケート選手)

What would the level for each words be. Beyond WK is level 100. Kana is level 0.

Also, what would the level be, excluding Lv 100.


I request “blacklist”. If I answer ‘this’, I will be marked as wrong. “Community blacklist”, if possible. I don’t think we should be wait for admin to implement this.

Nice idea there. I might have a tinker this weekend.

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They are working on that though. Of course we can never know when it’ll be ready, but still… Seems worth it to wait.

I have name and proper noun list, so I might try to create one myself (with Python). I am still bad with JavaScript, so I won’t try web app for now.

If I were to succeed, I could learn Names by WK levels, for example

My level 61-75 Kanji are as follows: “xWK level”

I killed the bug Word to WK levels - Pastebin.com
Also, another version, for testing Word to WK all - Pastebin.com

If you like it, please find a place to host it.

I was thinking if it would be possible to have a ‘self-study’ script which could work in ‘Found In Kanji’ and ‘Found in vocab’ sections? (on pages like this WaniKani, a kanji learning application by Tofugu)

Request a Userscript to tweak “Critical Item List”, to show “Leeches” instead, defined by

Current level minus 5 - Apprentice or lower
Current level minus 10 - Guru or lower
Current level minus 20 - Master or lower

Or something of the sort.

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Request a userscript to change the entire interface to Japanese instead of English. Thad’ be nice.

An english dictionary for the english meaning.


Is there an extension allowing lessons to be repeated? This could be done by putting a “redo lesson” button on the lessons page where it shows you the last lesson’s summary (or just review radicals/kanji/vocab), as opposed to starting a new session. Or one could “relearn” multiple selected items. Such a function would be very helpful for me, I find the lesson environment to be much more conducive to learning than just looking at the reading/meaning sections. Usually I enter a first review with at least one item I’m completely clueless about, and have to type in random bullshit. It takes 2 or more false answers for the reading/meaning to stick. I’d love to use this script to relearn my last lesson since I rushed through it due to time demands involving real-life humans. Even just that simple function (relearn last lesson) would be fantastic…


It would be nice if there was something that showed how many kanji, vocabulary and radicals you have in each SRS level.
It also would be good if it showed all of the things you had in apprentice (and the other levels too maybe) so you know what to focus on.
Something like this would be super helpful :slight_smile:

This should cover the first part of your request.

Thank you !! :smiley:

I’ve done some looking and I haven’t found anything specifically like what I’m looking for. Is there a way to completely remove radicals? Or is there a userscript that would let me instantly burn a radical when I see it with the press of a button?

I understand that it is good to learn the radicals and that their there for a reason, but for me personally, they just get in the way. I would rather not learn the radicals and spend that time working on the Kanji instead. Especially since the radicals on WaniKani are essentially made up. If something does already exist would you be kind enough to point me towards it.


Has there ever been a request like this?

When I’m browsing my vocabulary, I hate not being able to see what state each individual item is in (like apprentice, guru, etc). I would love a userscript that adds a little light or dot or something on each entry that tells you what each vocab entry is at?

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BTW, the search box is at the top right of the screen. (Press the search button first.)

I used the search box. That script doesn’t do what I want. I’m not talking about during reviews. I’m talking about when you’re looking at the vocabulary pages.

There is one on the dashboard, just for Current Level items / Apprentice items.

For vocabulary pages, it does say Apprentice and Guru by default, but without a number. I know no script to help this.

I’m already using Dashboard Progress Plus. Look, the reason this thread exists is to make requests. Not to link me a bunch of scripts that don’t fulfill my request.

My request is this:

On the VOCABULARY pages, I think it would be really nice to be able to tell what items are apprentice, guru, master, etc. If someone could make a script that adds some kind of indicator, that would be cool.

Edit: And I’m talking about the page that lists them, specifically, not the info page for each individual word.

Something on this page to see at a glance where each item is sitting.

Since normally we only know if it’s “active” or “burned”