Well I made it past level 10

There is a language based around what I posted and it actually got its name from brainfuck. JSFuck, for anyone wondering.

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What have I created from this thread…?


Its ok, so long as you don’t change your profile pic to koichi’s, things should stay relatively under control.


I knew it looked similar!

by the way, you made me realize my maths were wrong.

i appreciate your effort but as a matter of policy i don’t give out likes for javascript :triumph:

have some haskell instead

uncurry (/) $ head $ zip [1..] $ drop 3 $ scanl (*) 1 [1..]

edit: a differently stupid approach:

head $ filter ((>3) . length . show) $ scanl (/) 1 [1..]
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That’s pretty much my rotation too. What deck are you using for Anki?

I don’t have a Japanese Vocabulary deck for Anki, I just have one for particles. I’m mainly using Spanish and Russian ones and those make up the most of my Anki decks. Do you know any good Anki Japanese Decks? Like a Core 10k one if those exist?

Less than a fifth of ウォッカ

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Hey. If you constantly put off the lessons, you end up with a lot more Enlightened and Burned items at lower levels. Haha.

I use the one by Hinekidori / Rikudesu:
Reddit - Dive into anything (cannot find the WaniKani link), since you can actually answer the questions instead of flip. It is a bit bulky.

I use another strictly WaniKani one that is more of a traditional set-up, forgot which one it was but one of the more popular ‘shared deck’ WaniKani ones available through the Anki deck search.

What do you use for Russian? I mostly used Duolingo and some select websites to learn the painful cases.
I found doing it over and over again to help somewhat at this site if you are interested.

Basically just the Anki Deck. I need to find some books in it or something…

Congratz! Here’s a cookie:

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Yeah I was surprised at how little (none) burned items you have.

That might be because I got a subscription within a couple weeks of reaching level 3. I have no idea though.

I have 0 burn as of now.
IIRC it takes 4 months to go from enlightenment to burn, so it’s going to take some time before the first burn.

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I have over 200 burns… probably a bad thing…

Congrats for getting through the first 10!

Indeed, many complain of the slow start, but it also stops the over-enthusiastic from burning themselves out with reviews early on. (Always remember to burn the turtles, not yourself)

I had a long break from Japanese studies, and recently reset my level back to 3 and un-burned everything remaining. The result was a huge pile of reviews that definitely would have scared me off of WK if it had happened at the very beginning.

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Apprentice: 79
Guru: 550
Master: 402
Master +: 0

Average Level-up: 7 days, 4 hours

My aim is to blast though the stuff I already know as fast as possible though.
I’m already familiar with alot of this stuff even if I don’t know the readings, none of the kanji up until now are particularly novel to me.

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130 Apprentice
114 Guru
64 Master
46 Enlightened
204 Burned

I am wayy behind All of you

Awesome Anki deck there :+1:

Also, as an alternative, I do recommend this WK to Anki tool by @dennmart