Hey guys,
tl;dr: I made a website to export some WaniKani data into Anki decks - http://wanikanitoanki.com/. I hope someone else besides me finds this useful!
For the past week or two I've been building a small website to export some WaniKani info into Anki decks. The reason I want to use Anki for WaniKani information is because it gives me a good place to practice my Japanese writing skills. I also occasionally use it to have those pesky "critical items" that I can't see to wrap my head around in Anki as well.
I decided to release this little project out to the masses just in case somebody else finds this as useful as I have so far. Feel free to give it a test drive. You'll need your public API key to be able to fetch the information from WaniKani, which you can find in your account settings.
After you enter the site using your API key, you'll have a few options to download. There's some options you can tweak, like the maximum correct percentage of the Critical Items you want, or specific levels for Kanji, Vocabulary or Radicals. When you click the Download button, you should have downloaded a plain text file. You can then import this file into either an existing Anki deck or a new one (by selecting File -> Import in Anki).
Note: Since the generated decks are plain text for now, they will not include radicals that don't have a Unicode character for it. I'm working on a fix for that.
I'm sure there will be plenty of unknown issues cropping up as more people use the site. So feel free to let me know either here or on Twitter about any problems anyone encounters, as well as suggestions on how to add more cool functionality to this.
I'll be spending time working on the site as possible, adding tutorials, fixing bugs and doing some housecleaning to open source the code in case anyone wants to see its inner workings (although there's honestly not much there to see). It's been a fun little learning experience with some new tools so I'd love to do more with it.
I look forward to some people using this thing!