Welcome to the new WaniKani forums

Didn’t we expect/mean for the Campfire section to be archived? Does that mean it’s not? Will the private vs. public sections be obvious? Also, why does the header link to the forum main page and not wanikani.com or the dashboard?

I just like that you’re level INFINITY. :smiley:

Campfire is going to be forever private, so no sense in archiving the old content. Any category with the lock symbol in the title has a restriction access of some sort and is private.

Nice to see you @AnimeCanuck !

Thank you, @Viet.

Thanks, you too.
Still trying to find things…

Looks nice looking forward to this new site.

Ahh yis… Check out my new flair ^

How many pieces of flair do you have?

You’d better have at least 20 pieces of flair.

I’m lazy… I left all my stuff blank, and linked my profile on wanikani.com as my website.
Yup. DONE.

Oh, the forums finally work. Last night, clicking on a link to the forum resulted in a blank page.

I refuse to ever like anything! This isn’t facebook. If I like what you’ve said, I will tell you so, or more likely reply with something even more appropriate, like “haha, that was funny, thanks for posting that!”

Y’know, just so everybody knows that.
Don’t expect any likes from me.


Oh! That was not expected.
(I thought PMs were part of the reason behind the move.) No wonder I couldn’t find a way to do it off of people’s profile pages. Glad this was answered. : D

Wait, how and where did you find that out, tomboy? (The number of people at your level and stuff, I mean?)

It looks like if someone has a sect name, clicking that will get you to the list. Since we’re both lifetime 13s I could click the sect name next to your name to see the list. Since I don’t have a sect name of my own, it appears that I’ll need to stalk other lifetimers that do and hope our levels overlap. If you click one for someone that doesn’t match your level and subscription status you can’t access it.

Though if the standard stays the same level to level for the group name, it should be an easy matter of pulling up the URL and just changing the level number from one to the next really. But it’s more fun to pout about my lack of sect name. Of course, there might be another place to find it too, I just haven’t figured that out yet. I’m supposed to be working, not playing around in the new forums…

Ahhhh!!! @Emisan!
I didn’t want that post (or any of my posts) to get likes, either!

… but it’s okay if it’s from you…

(Also, so far the only way I can get images to work is by typing all the HTML manually… copy/paste doesn’t work, and there is no “just paste the link” button anymore.)

I liked it to tease you… haha :wink:

Yayyy Psych! Good memories bonding over that.

Really? I open a gif so it’s just the gif and then copy paste the url with no problem.

Weird. That’s super interesting though.
I am going to check that out. Thanks, Tru! :slight_smile:

I tried it from a website, and it didn’t work.
(I don’t have these things on my computer.)

Yeah… Apparently I’ve forgotten Psych enough that when a friend of mine named an episode (Dual Spires, I think he said?) I was like “what episode was that?” and then he said “The one where they went to a weird small town… ate a lot of pie, and almost died in a library”… And I can’t picture the episode. I remember a lot of pie. I think I remember a small town. … And maybe the library. But not all together… and what was the episode about???

So, I guess it’s time for a re-watch of the entire series already, even though it’s only been a year. HAHAHAHA. XD

(Should we take this to Longest Thread instead, Emisan?)

There are 122 of us, Tru.

And I might be only one of 2 people with a sect in our group (though I scrolled by pretty quickly). Someone else is “Review Time x10”, which I don’t think I’ve ever seen around the forums. Hmm…
You’re right. I had tried Tomboy’s first at 44-lifetime and swapped it to 13, and it worked.

I basically made a topic asking a similar question about the WaniKani section.
I tossed it in the Bugs section due to that being maybe the closest thing???

(as I worked through the problem myself).

I’ll be curious to see the response.