Welcome to the new WaniKani forums

the same way I can’t access sub-category for Paradise or Reality. :disappointed_relieved:
I should level faster

no idea, maybe @viet will enlighten us

it would be nice if they were inclusive from top to bottom though…

EDIT: help, help @viet

You’ve reached the maximum number of replies a new user can create on their first day. Please wait 23 hours before trying again.


Yay the new forums look cleaner.

I seem to be incapable of creating any new topics as well. Hmm, clearly they are telling us level 60s to gtfo… (I’m kidding, I guess they’re still working on this whole forum migration)

Testing the new features.


Don’t follow this link: → Link ←

We’ll look into it. Sorry!

By the way. Some categories have different permissions.

For example… The level groups. You only have access to those categories if you fall within the specific level range.

For example, Paradise is for levels 1-10 only.


Emin, what did you do to my phone?!?

Thanks. I just got forced logged out a couple of times, and now it looks like the new topic button is no longer deactivated. As for the difference in permissions for categories, is there a reason why higher levels cannot interact with lower ones? Apologies if I’ve missed some FAQ about this.

It is like school… or AKB48. You leave your mark (on the restroom stall wall?) and then move on to greener pastures.

They are just subcategories. There is still the main level Campfire if you want interact.

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Is there an easy way to get back to Wanikani from the forums?

– like a link on the page header or something?


Haha, just my luck I already graduated the whole system before the system even began. I should go sit on my lawn and yell at clouds about how it was back in my day.


Thanks for the hard work folks! This is very different, but far more useful than the old forums. Good choice!

here you go, just something basic for now.


Good point. Adding it to your growing list…

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Sweet. Feels more like home already!

I guess I should be asking @viet


Those were good times lol

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Thanks for the hard work.
Hope to get used to this soon.

Do we still need to use gravatar to get a user image?