工藤 くどう
大崎 おおさき (note to @NicoleIsEnough, I don’t think this one will show up again)
There was an interesting bit on page 136. It took me a while to understand, and then I realized that it would be difficult to translate. I wonder what the English translator did with it.
“How is 工藤さん doing?”
“I’m always fine. I’m not too busy right now, that’s all”.
She actually meant his wife (i.e. 工藤さん was Mrs Kudou), but she refrained from asking again, because she could feel that he knew it and had only pretended that he misunderstood.
Yea, another tough passage.
Just for context, the first part of the first sentence 「あの子のことは気にしなくていいけど、工藤さんは大丈夫なの?」.
English ver. Says:
“You don’t have to worry about her—but what about you?”
“Oh, I’m fine anytime. Not that busy these days.”
“Oh. Right.”
What she had meant was, What about your wife? But she decided not to press the matter. She sensed that he got her drift but was avoiding the topic.
Looks to me like you nailed it. Yea, I found the first sentence to be a little confusing because it can be translated more than one way. But great job especially with the last sentence.
I learned the word うつむき (face down) when going to the acupuncture sensei in Japan. I did not know the kanji until now. But to me 俯く has the connotation of really looking down, almost in shame. Whereas 頷くis a nod to agree or acknowledge. Then there is 肯く, taught on Wanikani, with the same “nod” meaning, but totally absent in this book.
Yeah, I guess I remember the difference in meaning, but probably mix up mostly the readings. I’ll try to think more of facing like 向く with 俯く. Reminds me of うつ伏せる, as well. Maybe having talked about it here I’ll remember it now .
Finished chapter 7 last night. The part in their college days and then seeing each other again makes me wish (for 石神 especially) that things hadn’t happened the way they had–I’d read a book of odd couple friendship middle-aged math hijinks. The book I’m actually reading continues to be good.