I’m not sure how to add furigana, sorry for the inconvenience! I’m also not sure when to add spoiler tags, so I just did it on all definitions.
Page 6
Can anyone read the handwritten text in and above the first panel?
腐る to decay/rot
海 ocean
腐海 = ocean of decay?
そんな由希は 折りヅルもマトモに 折れないほど不器用 です。
折り - couldn’t find a direct translation
ヅル - I found 狡い(ずる), meaning sly, but they aren’t spelled the same.
折れる - I’m not sure what this means either due to no context.
不器用 - awkward/clumsy
Page 7
宴会 - banquet
留守番 - house-sitting
Page 8
All I can say is “what an introduction” lol.
女手 - jisho says female help, but I think this is more along the lines of saying her mom was a single mom (with the “一つ” that follows).
余裕 - surplus. I’ve never seen this written until now; just spoken.
散策 - exploring
私の取り柄は どんな時でも ぬげない事です
取り柄 - redeeming feature
脱げる - to come off
Not sure what she’s referring to in the last part, but…
My redeeming feature is that no matter what, I don’t let [my happy demeanor] come off
I assume she’s using the past continuous form as a result of a change, eg a house was (and still is) built here. Whats the difference between using ていました instead of ています?
Looking forward to start reading! Just one question: why zero fruit emoji in the discussion thread title? Emoji would make it much easier to find in the list