WaniKani to Anki Exporter - http://wanikanitoanki.com

dennmart said... nqthqn - That's on my to-do list! Along with other options to download, like recent unlocks.

amclean - Hmm, maybe Python's library for HTTP requests is different? I haven't used Python much so I'm unsure if there's some difference there. This website I made is built in Ruby (Padrino framework), and my sub-optimal processing of creating a downloadable file for that many items is what's causing the 503 in my case. Still, I'm looking into it.

Ku-ma and Saponutti - Just a reminder I still haven't forgotten your request :)
 Having burnt items would be amazing! And having items in reverse order.
dennmart said... Ah, that clarifies this whole thing. Sorry for the misunderstanding!
 No problem. I've been trying to get Viet's attention on the issue for a while now but so far I haven't received any response to my emails or forum post.

The only work around I've found is to break the request into multiple smaller requests.

Xash - What do you mean having items in reverse order? Like instead of having the kanji in the front of the card and the reading / meaning in the back, have it the opposite way? If this is what you meant, when you import the generated file into Anki, you have the option of mapping which fields to show in the front and back (at least in the latest version of Anki I have on my laptop, version 2.0.24). If this isn’t what you meant, please clarify to see if I can help you out.

amclean - I’ve had luck chatting with Viet through email and Twitter before. Maybe I can try pinging him to see what he thinks about this issue?

Ku-ma and Saponutti (and anyone else interested) - I just pushed a quick hack to the site to allow generated files to have tags with the level information! There’s a new checkbox in the Additional Options section. When checked, the generated files will have a third field with the level number (the format will be something like Level1 or Level 45).

I’ll be working on other stuff today so I’ll keep on updating the site. Keep the feedback coming, and enjoy!

dennmart said... amclean - I've had luck chatting with Viet through email and Twitter before. Maybe I can try pinging him to see what he thinks about this issue?

 I've emailed him a few times but feel free to try, maybe if he sees messages from multiple people it'll get his attention.

This is great! Thanks! 

Thanks chief.

amclean said...
dennmart said... amclean - I've had luck chatting with Viet through email and Twitter before. Maybe I can try pinging him to see what he thinks about this issue?

 I've emailed him a few times but feel free to try, maybe if he sees messages from multiple people it'll get his attention.
 I received a reply and it's a known issue but the fix isn't a simple one so we'll have to work-around the issue by making multiple smaller requests.

amclean - Good to hear that Viet at least acknowledged it. I’m sure the Tofugu team is pretty busy, and it seems like Viet is a one-man operation when it comes to stuff like the API (I might be mistaken, though) so it’ll probably take a bit to deal with.

I have an announcement to make regarding the website: I added support for generating decks for Burned Items! Try it out and let me know how it works!

Caveat: Please know that this might not work reliably, especially to those higher level folk who have been here since the beginning and have thousands of burned items. Since there’s no API call to fetch items of a certain SRS level (burned, guru, etc. - I really hope this is added to v1.3…), I had to get a little hacky with this. I basically have to fetch all radicals, kanji and vocabulary for the user up to their current level, and then iterate through each item to discard those not matching the specified SRS level. So this most likely has to iterate through thousands of items, and will probably time out if there’s too much for my tiny VPS server to handle. I currently don’t have support for getting burned items by level so no one will be able to make smaller requests. I’ll be working on adding support for that when I get some spare time.

Can I use this to import the different vocab levels and then invert them so that I can practice English to Japanese?

Anyway to make it so the English meaning can be separated from the hiragana reading, like in it’s own field?

Fergalzachw44 - Sorry, there’s currently no way to separate hiragana from the english meaning at the moment. I’ll add it to my list of things to do at a later point in time. In the meantime you can probably open the file in a text editor and find and replace / remove all hiragana from the generated deck, but it might be a little tedious to do manually.

I added some new functionality to the site today - you can now generate decks for Recent Unlocks! It fetches your last 100 unlocked items (radicals, kanji and vocabulary) and creates a deck with those. Hope someone finds this useful!

EDIT: Just as I pushed this code, I noticed some weirdness in the API call where I’m getting recently unlocked items from a lot of different levels, including Level 3 (which I must have unlocked a long, long time ago). I pinged Viet to ask what’s up with this, so in the meantime take the results with a grain of salt.

Hello dennmart, I've only just discovered this post. Wow! Thank you so much for taking the time to make this tool. I was thinking how useful it would be to import some of my Wani into Anki but shuddered at the thought of doing it manually, now I don't have to! My partner and I are both using Wani and we were a little worried about forgetting our burned kanji (when we get there!) but you've kindly given us a solution.

This really is great, please keep up the excellent work of helping us all get better at beating the Crabigator!

Cheers man, much appreciated :smiley:

May I suggest an Export option to separate all fields. I made myself a reverse deck with only the English vocabulary on the front. Luckily it was easy enough to do a find all > replace and changed all the hyphens into semicolons.  Then I created a custom note type with 3 fields. I put the English field on the front with the Kanji and Hirigana on the back

Oh never mind. I didn’t read the whole thread. The problem with my solution is you end up with a few duplicate English readings.

It’s been interesting to see the different ways people want to export their WaniKani data elsewhere. This isn’t a ‘one-size-fits-all’ kind of site, unfortunately, but I’ve been thinking about ways to let people define what fields they want, so when I get some spare time I’ll probably start incorporating some changes to let people choose what they want.

Nice, I only have one question, how can I can export the txt files to https://ankiweb.net ? 


Download and install anki main app from http://ankisrs.net/

Launch it and sync with your account.

Go to File/Import and select the text file, sync, done.

I would like to export in Anki both On and Kun readings for the kanjis. Is there a way to do it in this exporter?

Edit: Don't worry about answering this. I've been playing with the API and am developing my own tool to fit my needs. Your app was definitely the inspiration for it, so thanks again!

Thanks for the fantastic tool! I've been using this along with some of my own scripts to convert the files to the format expected by the Flashcards Deluxe IOS app.

One issue: downloading vocabulary for a specific level often includes vocabulary not seen until the next level.

Question: is there a URL scheme we can use to download a specific file? (maybe this is possible with the WK API, I haven't looked into it yet.) Basically I'm looking to build a script that will download the radicals, kanji, and vocab files each time reach a new level.

Thanks again!