Wanikani Reorder Ultimate [old version, not working]

That… was beautiful :heart:

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Saved me too!
Even with the pointer at the newer version, the fact that the first link is also in bold, even with “unstable” written, can of makes you think that the lower one is not the right one. like a beta or something.
Anyway thanks for making my level 2 start that much more simple!

Hi, I am having trouble getting this to work. I got the correct version linked in the thread, but it doesn’t show up in site? I got the wanikani framework installed as #1, and the other two userscripts I got show up as usual. But when I visit the wanikani main page it says I got 3 scripts enabled, it should be 4 with this one installed. It is ‘on’ when I visit the tapermonkey dashboard. Does anyone know why this is happening?

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The script is only active on the lesson and review pages


(edited it because I restarted my computer and now it does work) YAY!

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TypeError: Cannot read property ‘rad’ of undefined
TypeError: Cannot read property ‘rad’ of undefined at Object.updateVisual (chrome-extension://dhdgffkkebhmkfjojejmpbldmpobfkfo/userscript.html?id=c7a419bc-1b2f-46bd-842e-94729a6ec2a4:179:22) at Object.apply (chrome-extension://dhdgffkkebhmkfjojejmpbldmpobfkfo/userscript.html?id=c7a419bc-1b2f-46bd-842e-94729a6ec2a4:269:29) at Object.create (chrome-extension://dhdgffkkebhmkfjojejmpbldmpobfkfo/userscript.html?id=c7a419bc-1b2f-46bd-842e-94729a6ec2a4:277:30) at Object.init (chrome-extension://dhdgffkkebhmkfjojejmpbldmpobfkfo/userscript.html?id=c7a419bc-1b2f-46bd-842e-94729a6ec2a4:237:26) at eval (chrome-extension://dhdgffkkebhmkfjojejmpbldmpobfkfo/userscript.html?id=c7a419bc-1b2f-46bd-842e-94729a6ec2a4:740:15)


Oh, I see I’m not the only one :slight_smile:

TypeError: Cannot read property ‘rad’ of undefined
TypeError: Cannot read property ‘rad’ of undefined at Object.updateVisual (chrome-extension://dhdgffkkebhmkfjojejmpbldmpobfkfo/userscript.html?id=e12c2a35-1f11-4ecd-ab29-30fe0ddf041a:179:22) at Object.apply (chrome-extension://dhdgffkkebhmkfjojejmpbldmpobfkfo/userscript.html?id=e12c2a35-1f11-4ecd-ab29-30fe0ddf041a:269:29) at Object.create (chrome-extension://dhdgffkkebhmkfjojejmpbldmpobfkfo/userscript.html?id=e12c2a35-1f11-4ecd-ab29-30fe0ddf041a:277:30) at Object.init (chrome-extension://dhdgffkkebhmkfjojejmpbldmpobfkfo/userscript.html?id=e12c2a35-1f11-4ecd-ab29-30fe0ddf041a:237:26) at eval (chrome-extension://dhdgffkkebhmkfjojejmpbldmpobfkfo/userscript.html?id=e12c2a35-1f11-4ecd-ab29-30fe0ddf041a:740:15)

WKU Init()
Applying UID levels

EDIT: Also, maybe the URL in the script should be updated to point to the new one?

I’ve got this on a lesson :

TypeError: Cannot read property ‘gender’ of undefined
TypeError: Cannot read property ‘gender’ of undefined at https://cdn.wanikani.com/packs/js/lessonreviewaudio-56aa4612b5d3c9c7ba55.js:1:244566 at https://cdn.wanikani.com/packs/js/lessonreviewaudio-56aa4612b5d3c9c7ba55.js:1:244783 at Array.map () at u (https://cdn.wanikani.com/packs/js/lessonreviewaudio-56aa4612b5d3c9c7ba55.js:1:244501) at https://cdn.wanikani.com/packs/js/lessonreviewaudio-56aa4612b5d3c9c7ba55.js:1:245158 at window.mountAudioComponent (https://cdn.wanikani.com/packs/js/lessonreviewaudio-56aa4612b5d3c9c7ba55.js:1:245238) at Array. (https://cdn.wanikani.com/assets/v03/lesson/application-0693cd6ecae4452f2ef68b266d6a964d28eb5f1c6e380220d4475b9c853013db.js:96:30396) at a (https://cdn.wanikani.com/assets/v03/lesson/application-0693cd6ecae4452f2ef68b266d6a964d28eb5f1c6e380220d4475b9c853013db.js:58:2126) at Object.set (https://cdn.wanikani.com/assets/v03/lesson/application-0693cd6ecae4452f2ef68b266d6a964d28eb5f1c6e380220d4475b9c853013db.js:58:6107) at HTMLLIElement. (https://cdn.wanikani.com/assets/v03/lesson/application-0693cd6ecae4452f2ef68b266d6a964d28eb5f1c6e380220d4475b9c853013db.js:96:32216)

WKU Init()
Applying UID levels

Wanikani Reorder Ultimate [old version, not working]



I took the link just under the issue when it appeared, but I’m using Reorder Ultimate 2, I don’t know what was the problem. If I encounter it again I will post on the other thread :wave:

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Have… Have you read the title of this thread? :sweat_smile:

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Maybe we should move the title to the front, all-cap it, and remove the fact that it used to be the reorder script?

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I’m sorry…I misunderstood…I thought this was the new one replacing the old one…I’ve had a rough day and not thinking clearly. Really sorry… didn’t realize : (


No problem 230185602321088514 Just tell us if the new one isn’t working

I thought I was clever enough to still do my vocab reviews…
But no, I am now under the aftereffects of reviewing only Kanjis. I have over 1000 reviews, (something which has never happened before!) my lessons are overflowing with vocab from previous levels, and in short I’m dying under the temptation of levelling up faster. :cold_sweat:

I’m in no way telling people not to download this script. It is wonderful but only as long as you use it correctly. I’d strongly advise anyone installing this script to still do vocab reviews. :+1:

Also, I’m sorry for reviving this thread after 1 year but I just wanted to write it so that other fellow Wanikanians do not also fall under the same trap.

I think the script is quite dangerous if you sort based on review item type.
I only sorted it so that lessons and reviews for the current level came first. I also did all my lessons in one go though, so that might counteract the reorder effect. (not recommendable btw)

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Heyo everyone,
i came to update this and add a couple more features (that some of you might hate):

  1. ‘2’ key is a hotkey for shuffling/reordering
  2. you can also order by SRS (currently SRS ordering is always highest level!)
  3. TOP 20 cards separately shuffled: To avoid wanikani from showing a card you just got wrong

Wanikani Reorder Ultimate 2.3


If you’re getting pelted now, you’ll love the mid 40s to 60 >:)