If not 今日, by 明日 you’ll understand for sure.
At least the various 昨夜、昨晩、etc. make a little more sense, but…
今朝… this thing “scares” me
not to mention 一昨日 and 一昨年
okay tbf, there is a reading 昨日 which makes sense
Me turning on vacation mode all week but still humming along to japanese songs
Oh my good lord which word is this?
From now on I will sneak into my posts at every possible opportunity
受諾 Acceptance. This word is in a cluster of similar meaning leeches (acceptance, consent, approval). I kept mixing it up with this word: 許諾 Consent, as both are on level 36 and have 諾 in them
Ah man those types of leeches are the hardened mud of any apprentice barrel.
But I guess, when there is a large rock flying towards your head, and you don’t accept that fact then it flies at your head. Once you show Acceptance, 受諾
You can of course only do this with the Consent of a certain city, as when you duck, the rock flies over your head and crashes right into Kyoto! If only 許諾
So remember, acceptance is only something 受 can do, but consenting to getting a rock in their face is something only 許 can do
Thanks for the mnemonic! I feel like cluster leeches are especially challenging because you’re mixing up several words and often don’t know which each of them are (they’re like ghosts haunting you), so it can be helpful to keep track of those so you can compare them side to side. Just as a general tip to everyone
A little late, but congrats!
Also happy cakeday!
Protip for those having these problems as well, use the ConfusionGuesser script to find out what’s going wrong
One of my favorite scripts!
Earlier today I realized that I keep mixing up 応募 (Application) and 募集 (Recruiting). All thanks to this script!
Shoutout to @Sinyaven for being fricking amazing
you and @taffyboiiiii should post these in the :crabigator: Visual WK Mnemonics
where has this been hiding all my life … something I haven’t tried to deal with the leech hell that is wk…
there are so many great scripts created by users that are so helpful…but some of just seem to be hidden secrets