If you like durtles and crabigators or other WaniKani denizens as much as I do, please feel free to share your own WaniKani fan creations in this thread.
If you wanna post art by someone else, please openly say that it’s not by you and, if possible, give credits to those creative users that have made it.
To inspire all you people I’m going to post all the @Aya Original Durtles that I’ve found posted around the Forums (that have inspired me!)! Aya is an incredible member of the WaniKani team that has lifted WK to a place of durtle myth! ^>^ ) I really love your art!
I don’t have scanning abilities really anymore, so, making my own sketches means having to use the public library = not great during corona, so I’m happy for the help of @CDR-Strawberry with that Harlock durtle. They got quite the talent! (I just used Paint ).
But you do also have a nice feeling with that sketch. Please feel free to post more if you have the time away from scripting! ^>^