Hi, occasionally when using WaniKani the input field gets stuck on hiragana input when I am trying to enter English definitions. I have my keyboard set on US English, it seems to be the input field in WaniKani itself that gets confused on the input type. It can sometimes really get stuck, I need to restart my browser to fix it and sometimes that doesn’t even do it.
Has anyone else experienced this? Any solutions / work-arounds? I’m using Firefox.
Potentially sounds like a case where WK is looking for the reading, rather than the meaning, since WK is designed to auto-convert input to hiragana during reading reviews. Perhaps if you see it happen again you could post a screenshot of the issue so we can better see.
Thanks, it is when it’s asking for definition (not reading) but it acts as if it’s expecting a reading. I will post a screenshot next time I see it as you suggest!