Kanji Error?

So I recently started using Wanikani and I’ve really been enjoying it (I recently unlocked Kanji today). When entering the readings it says I’m wrong for these Kanji despite it being the same as it says? I thought it might have been the 3rd party app I was using so I tried using the website on my phone and I was still having the same problem. I even disabled the Japanese Google keyboard to see if that was causing and issue and still no success. Any chance anyone could help as I’m unable to move past these and it’s frustrating :worried: :pensive:

(Screenshots of what it’s saying)

You typed jiyou and you have to type jyou


Please take a look at the FAQ


Phew okay thanks, I’m glad I was making the mistake

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You shouldn’t use a Japanese keyboard for reviews. The input will automatically convert the answer to hiragana (or katakana if using capital letters) and using an IME could accidentally tell you if you’re right before you answer.

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