Wanikani Dark Azure 2 Theme

actually I think I can make the box different. what colours would you like? it may not fit the theme well tho. but I can change it personally for you and you can just copy and paste the script?

Update I added some accent lines, changed colors and changed transparencies and added shadows etcā€¦


Thanks for changing it! Donā€™t know if Iā€™ll get used to the subtle difference between meaning/reading but what breeze dark does for example is allow users to set their own colour preferences. Might be a lot of work though?

Breeze dark somehow managed to change the text. No idea how though.

Also, c:

The Reading box is fine as is, but for the Meaning section could you use #ACB2B5 ? It is a light gray. Feel free to change the greyness if you think it needs tweaking. I think the reason why my muscle memory is off is because the box for meaning is typically white, but both are black. And in addition to the color, could you add that slight gradient/shine that you have in the reading box.

To clarify, by box I am referring to these long rectangular sections:

So for the meaning section just see what it looks like when it changes to that grey color I selected above?

And add the slight shine that the Reading box seems to have already:

If you click on the meaning pic I sent, youā€™ll notice that color is flat compared to the reading one. idk what the official term for that is.

Let me know how it goes! Thanks for working w me :slight_smile:

EDIT: While doing lessons, this grey color of the quiz button could also work for the color of the meaning box:
Gray example

Made more changes to review page added colors and other stuff

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just figured it out :slight_smile:

Thatā€™s the menu from the stylus menu. you can install this theme with stylus too and change the colors as well.

1 Like

Hellyeah! That looks awesome!

I did install it with stylus but I donā€™t see a little cog next to it?

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Ahh my bad. I didnā€™t realise that. Iā€™m not sure how to add that :confused: Iā€™m not a coder or anything Iā€™m basicaly just editing the theme through trial and errorā€¦ hence why the script is soo messyā€¦ but it works.
if you can find out how to get that gear to apear for this theme too let me know please.

Thank you

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lol ok, thanks for trying c:

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I donā€™t know how to do that either, but you can add settings through Userstyles.org. You just add a setting when editing the style (on Userstyles), then refer to it like this

div {
	property: "/*[[setting name]]*/";

To make it easier to add and change these settings you could also define CSS variables

:root {
   --foo: "/*[[setting name]]*/";
div {
    property: var(--foo);

Whooops I just relized the lesson screen was a blank screen. just fixed that.

Thanks :slight_smile: just added it. :+1:

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Changed the hint box color in reviews

Fixed white boarders around correct answer box.

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Not sure if Iā€™m such a fan of the black outlines, could you remove them?

I like the black boxes tho :slight_smile: Iā€™ll think about it. but if want to change it right away, you click the edit box on my post you can copy and paste the previews scripts before I added boxes.

Bruh, you could have at least told me which version. I went all the way back to 19 to finally get it but then I got the white box you just fixed and old timeline font. :c

1: Wading through this like molasses.
2: Got one! One left to go I think.

Here you go this is the latest version but with much smaller boxes.

@-moz-document regexp("https:\\/\\/www.wanikani.com.*") {
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    color: black;
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#reviews-summary #incorrect .apprentice h3 span, #reviews-summary #incorrect .guru h3 span, #reviews-summary #incorrect .master h3 span, #reviews-summary #incorrect .enlightened h3 span, #reviews-summary #incorrect .burned h3 span, #reviews-summary #correct .apprentice h3 span, #reviews-summary #correct .guru h3 span, #reviews-summary #correct .master h3 span, #reviews-summary #correct .enlightened h3 span, #reviews-summary #correct .burned h3 span, #loading {
    background-color: rgb(77, 82, 98) !important;
#supplement-voc-breakdown ul li a, #item-info #related-items a, #item-info #related-items a:active, #item-info #related-items a:hover, #item-info #related-items a:visited, #item-info h2, #item-info #all-info:hover, .active, #kana-chart ul li span {
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#lesson #supplement-info .radical, #lesson #supplement-info .kanji, #lesson #supplement-info .vocabulary, #item-info #related-items ul span {
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.highlight-radical {
    background-color: #0af !important;
.highlight-vocabulary {
    background-color: #9300dd !important;
.highlight-reading {
    background-color: #8e8e8e !important;
#lesson #supplement-info {
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    box-shadow: 3px 3px 0 rgb(57, 62, 78) !important;
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    color: white !important;
#lesson #supplement-info blockquote {
    background-color: rgb(81, 86, 104) !important;
    color: #EAEAEA !important;
#quiz #question-type.meaning {
    background-image: linear-gradient(rgb(60, 65, 81), rgb(77, 82, 98)) !important;
    border-top: 1px solid rgb(50, 55, 71) !important;
    border-bottom: 1px solid rgb(67, 72, 88) !important;
    color: rgb(255, 255, 255) !important;
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#information {
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    box-shadow: 3px 3px 0 rgb(57, 62, 78);
.remove-margin-bottom {
    background: none !important;
    box-shadow: none !important;
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section[id|=level] header {
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section[id|=level] header h2 {
    color: #eee;
#progress {
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ul.alt-character-list a {
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.audio-btn.audio-play:before {
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/* header tab colour */
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h1, h2, h3 {
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.blog.dashboard-sub-section > .see-more > a {
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    text-shadow: none;
.popover-inner {
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#search.in .search-heading {
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/* lesson arror */
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/* lesson arror */
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.popover.review-time {
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.popover.review-time.bottom .arrow {
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.small-caps {
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/* other meanings button */
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.wki_button_item_label {
    opacity: 1.0;
.wki_item_wrapper {
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#wki_mimic_button {
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#additional-content-load {
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ul.alt-character-list li:after {
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/* sub */
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/* buttons */

/* progress fix */
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#public-profile .progress .bar span {
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html#public-profile header div.avatar {
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html#public-profile header div.user-info h3.small-caps {
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.additional-info h3, .small-caps {
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#main .progress {
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html#public-profile div.wall-of-shame .progress {
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/* bar main */
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.progress .bar span.dark:after {
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.icon-search {
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/* main board */
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.dashboard section.progression {
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.progression h3 {
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hr {
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.small-caps.invert {
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/* wall of shame */
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.popover.srs.right .arrow {
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.progression h3 {
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.dashboard .lattice-single-character div span {
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/* forum */
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/* Levels, Radicals, Kanji, Vocabulary, Account colour */
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Update again

1 Like

Ah I see, the edges are far less pronounced, I think I could live with this.

1: Now that Iā€™ve edited the text will it still update automatically? Also, is the text in the original post always going to be the latest version? (what the style updates)

I just edited the one I made for you, so copy and paste that. Iā€™m pretty much done now. only like 1 or 2 things I think I would change. but If I do I will update the one I made for you.