Wanikani Dark Azure 2 Theme


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#chat p {
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.dashboard section.srs-progress {
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.account-settings-form .control-group input[class^="span6"] {
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code {
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header nav #back-dashboard {
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#lesson #batch-items ul li[data-index=quiz] span {
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#supplement-info, div #correct, div #incorrect, div #radicals, div #kanji, div #vocabulary, div #review-stats-radicals, div #review-stats-kanji, div #review-stats-vocabulary {
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#item-info #all-info {
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#reviews-summary #incorrect .apprentice h3 span, #reviews-summary #incorrect .guru h3 span, #reviews-summary #incorrect .master h3 span, #reviews-summary #incorrect .enlightened h3 span, #reviews-summary #incorrect .burned h3 span, #reviews-summary #correct .apprentice h3 span, #reviews-summary #correct .guru h3 span, #reviews-summary #correct .master h3 span, #reviews-summary #correct .enlightened h3 span, #reviews-summary #correct .burned h3 span, #loading {
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#supplement-voc-breakdown ul li a, #item-info #related-items a, #item-info #related-items a:active, #item-info #related-items a:hover, #item-info #related-items a:visited, #item-info h2, #item-info #all-info:hover, .active, #kana-chart ul li span {
    color: white !important;
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#next-btn:hover, #prev-btn:hover {
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.highlight-kanji {
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.highlight-radical {
    background-color: #0af !important;
.highlight-vocabulary {
    background-color: #9300dd !important;
.highlight-reading {
    background-color: #8e8e8e !important;
#lesson #supplement-info {
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    box-shadow: 3px 3px 0 rgb(57, 62, 78) !important;
#lesson #supplement-info #supplement-rad-related-kanji ul li a, #lesson #supplement-info #supplement-kan-breakdown ul li a, #lesson #supplement-info #supplement-kan-related-vocabulary ul li a, #lesson #supplement-info #supplement-voc-breakdown ul li a {
    color: white !important;
#lesson #supplement-info blockquote {
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    color: #EAEAEA !important;
#quiz #question-type.meaning {
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    border-bottom: 1px solid rgb(67, 72, 88) !important;
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    color: white !important;

.remove-margin-bottom {
    background: none !important;
    box-shadow: none !important;
#reviews #information {
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    box-shadow: 3px 3px 0 rgb(57, 62, 78) !important;
section[id|=level] header {
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section[id|=level] header h2 {
    color: #eee;
#progress {
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h2, h3, li {
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[class^="note-"] {
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#progress time, #progress .unlocked-date span {
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div.chart {
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.dashboard section.review-status ul li {
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.dashboard section.review-status {
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html#main .additional-info, html#public-profile .additional-info {
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    color: #666666;
.additional-info > h3 {
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ul.alt-character-list li {
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ul.alt-character-list a {
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a[class*="-icon"]:hover, a:hover span[class*="-icon"] {
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/* audio button */
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.audio-btn.audio-play:before {
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/* header tab colour */
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.dropdown.levels.open > .dropdown-menu {
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.dropdown.levels.open > .dropdown-toggle {
    background-color: #505565 !important;
.dropdown.account.open > .dropdown-menu {
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.dropdown.account.open > a {
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html#main .navbar .nav li.levels.dropdown > .dropdown-toggle:hover > span:first-child {
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html#main .navbar .nav li.levels.dropdown.open > .dropdown-toggle > span:first-child {
    border-color: #fff;
h1, h2, h3 {
    text-shadow: none;
/* loadingscreen lesson */
 #loading-screen {
    background-color: rgb(77, 82, 98) !important;
.blog.dashboard-sub-section > .see-more > a {
    color: rgb(85, 85, 85) !important;
    text-shadow: none;
.popover-inner {
    color: rgb(225, 225, 225);
#search.in .search-heading {
    text-shadow: none !important;
/* lesson arror */
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    border-color: transparent transparent #4d5262 transparent;
/* lesson arror */
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sup {
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.community .top-users a {
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.community .top-users.additional-info span {
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:not(.span6) > .forum-topics-list table td, :not(.span6) > .forum-topics-list a {
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html#main .additional-info, html#public-profile .additional-info {
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.forum-topics-list a.topic-title, .forum-topics-list[class*="icon-"]:before {
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.dashboard section.dashboard-sub-section.forum-topics-list table tr {
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.popover.review-time {
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.popover.review-time.bottom .arrow {
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.small-caps {
    text-shadow: none;
/* other meanings button */
 .wki_cinza {
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.wki_button_item_label {
    opacity: 1.0;
.wki_item_wrapper {
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#wki_mimic_button {
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    color: rgb(255, 255, 255);
.wki_start_message {
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/* inline frame */
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.qtip-bootstrap .qtip-titlebar {
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.qtip-bootstrap {
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.dashboard section.system-alert {
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#additional-content-load {
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ul.alt-character-list li:after {
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/* sub */
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.account-subscription .account-subscription-plans .account-subscription-plan .account-subscription-plan-select button[type=button].btn {
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html#public-profile div.wall-of-shame {
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html#public-profile div.wall-of-shame ul li > span:first-child {
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/* profile */
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#edit_user select {
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/* buttons */

/* progress fix */
 #main .progress .bar span {
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#public-profile .progress .bar span {
    margin-right: -13px;
#public-profile .progress .bar span:after {
    left: 100%;
    margin-left: -24px;
html#public-profile div.wall-of-shame h3 span {
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    box-shadow: none;
html#public-profile header div.avatar {
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.srs-levels ul li span {
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    text-shadow: none;
html#public-profile header div.user-info h3.small-caps {
    text-shadow: none;
.additional-info h3, .small-caps {
    color: rgb(255, 255, 255);
/* bars */
 #public-profile .progress {
    background-color: #505565;
#main .progress {
    background-color: rgba(67, 72, 88, 0.46);
html#public-profile div.wall-of-shame .progress {
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.progress .threshold {
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/* bar main */
 .progress .bar span.dark {
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    text-shadow: none;
.progress .bar span.dark:after {
    border-top-color: #93dd00;
/* search */
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    color: #e1e1e1;
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    text-shadow: none;
#search form .search-query:focus, #search form .search-query.focused {
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    box-shadow: none;
.icon-search {
    color: #e1e1e1;
/* main board */
 .dashboard section.progression {
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.dashboard section.progression {
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.progression h3 {
    color: #e1e1e1;
.dashboard section.progression hr {
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hr {
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.blog.dashboard-sub-section > .see-more > a {
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.popover-inner {
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.popover .popover-title {
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.popover.lattice.right .arrow {
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.popover.lattice {
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.dashboard-sub-section h3 {
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.kotoba-table-list table tr.none-available div, .dashboard h3.small-caps.invert div.heading-symbol {
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.dashboard div.heading-symbol {
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.kotoba-table-list table tr.none-available {
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.dashboard section.dashboard-sub-section div.see-more {
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    box-shadow: 0 1px 0 #393e4e;
.small-caps.invert {
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    background-image: none;
/* wall of shame */
 .popover.srs {
    border: 5px solid rgb(97, 97, 97);
.popover.srs.right .arrow {
    border-right-color: rgb(97, 97, 97);
.progression h3 {
    color: #e1e1e1;
.dashboard .lattice-single-character div span {
    color: #e1e1e1;
/* forum */
 .forum .forum-topics-list {
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.forum-topics-list table {
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.dashboard section.dashboard-sub-section.forum-topics-list table tr:hover {
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.settings-section {
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header.global-header {
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/* Levels, Radicals, Kanji, Vocabulary, Account colour */
 h1, html#public-profile div.wall-of-shame div.title, h2, h3 {
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.sitemap {
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.sitemap__expandable-chunk--kanji {
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.sitemap__expandable-chunk--vocabulary {
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header.global-header a {
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header.global-header a {
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.level-duration {
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item[id^=level-] {
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#answer-exception span:before {
border-color: #9300dd00 #9300dd00 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.29) rgba(255, 255, 255, 0);

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#lesson #supplement-info h2 {
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.standard h2 {
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.bg-gray-400 {
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#guesses > a > *, #guesses > a::after {
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#guesses > a::before {
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#guesses > a.show > *, #guesses > a.show::after {
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#guesses > a.show > *, #guesses > a.show:before {
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#main .progress {
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#progress {
    background-color: rgb(67, 72, 88) !important;

#question #character.kanji {
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#question #character.vocabulary {
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#question #character.Radical {
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#question #character.Radicals {
	border-top: 1px solid #000;

Updated 2020/11/17


The style was deleted by its author, SaruOu2. The reason given was “accidental double uploaded”

Link leads to a style that can’t be installed.

1 Like

Just updated the link. please try again :slight_smile:


A less bright color scheme like this might get me to crack and finally figure out what a userscript is and how to use it.


Sorry to crack your crack but this is a userstyle


Thanks for this, I’ve been looking for the right dark theme forever.
Just one thing I noticed, I have a few scripts running for WK but I can’t seem to access them on the account drop down menu for the Scripts Settings, nothing happens when I click on settings.
I normally see this:


I just fixed it. I changed some of the blue txt to white to make radicals easier to see. I can change it back if you think it looks better? maybe I can change the Radical square to a different color?

Just updated it! it looks a lot better now. :slight_smile:

1 Like

That does look better.
But the side menu for my scripts still doesn’t show when I’ve got this theme on.
Thanks for all the work you put in, I really appreciate it. ^o^/

1 Like

Yes it dose show. I just tried it. Did you uninstall the theme and then reinstall?

1 Like

Ah right, I feel silly now. I just assumed it would automatically update.
Yup that did the trick. Thanks for your help.

1 Like

Hi Saruou. I didn’t notice this before but when I hover over a radical/kanji on the dashboard the little pop window doesn’t show the information.
Sorry if I’m making more work for you and thank again.


1 Like

That doesn’t happen for me. do you have another theme also installed?
Are you using Stylish to run the theme? if so make sure you switch the other ones off.

let me know if this helps.


1 Like

So I have to download the program and it’ll let me choose this just for WK?

You don’t have to download it. what are you using at the moment to run the theme?

I dont have it installed, I just wasnt sure how to add it, but it looks a lot cooler. Sorry ^^"

1 Like

LMAO sorry I got you confused with the wrong guy… :sweat_smile:

When you click the link there should be an install button. that I think will tell you which program you can use to install the theme. Website Themes & Skins by Stylish | Userstyles.org

1 Like

Downloaded, looking good, thanks :smiley: . I was wondering if you knew how to fix this part, where there is still white?

I was also wondering if you would consider dulling/complimenting the pink lessons/kanji box color and blue review/radical color as the regular color is a little too vibrant now in contrast with the dark mode? I don’t know much about programming userstyles though so unsure how hard that would be

Another example of brightness, here the blue and pink but also the red and green bar (pay no attention to my bad vocab run LOL)

1 Like

This is how it looks on mine. I don’t have any white boxes like that. did you have any previous themes installed? this can happen if your running two themes at once.

also try turning all your scripts off and see if that changes anything?

I like the colours. but if you want I can tweak the colours for you. if you give me an example of what colours you want i’ll make you a custom theme.


I changed the review summary colours to something more aesthetically pleasing.

Please uninstall the theme and reinstall to see changes.



OK I just tweaked the color of the Answered Incorrectly button to be a little more red so it stands out more.

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