A month or two ago, I was experimenting with the idea of having daily emails sent to me with more information about how I was doing with my WaniKani studies. Since WaniKani only sends emails with the number of lessons and reviews you have pending, it's very limiting for some things I wanted to keep track of. For example, I had no idea of how many items I burned, and often I would find that I leveled up the previous day without noticing.
I built a quick prototype for this and have had it working for myself. I thought it was working well enough, so I decided to put up a simple site to allow others to access it and gauge the general interest for this type of project, as well as have others provide more ideas on things to do to build it out some more. I made it available today at https://wanikanidailydigest.com.
The way it works is when you sign up and provide your API key, the server will pull some of your WaniKani data (currently Level Progression and SRS Distribution - see the API docs for more info) on a daily basis and send you an email with changes between yesterday and today, as well as "achievements" like when you burned items, leveled up, made progress with the current level, etc.
I have the site set up as a closed beta, since I can't allow too many people in at once. WaniKani has low API limits in place (100 API calls per hour) and I need to make multiple API calls for each person to get the data needed for the email. It's a first-come, first-serve deal right now. Just enter your email address on the form in the home page so I can know you're interested. Once you're allowed to sign up, you can use any email address you'd like to get the daily emails. I won't send anything other than beta access / signup confirmation messages and the daily messages, nothing else, so don't worry about me bombarding you with email or spam or anything like that.
The site and the email are pretty barebones intentionally - I want to see how much interest there is in this idea before dedicating more time to it. It would suck to spend weeks on something that no one wants at all!
Feel free to let me know any comments, thoughts, bug reports, suggestions, critiques, etc. either in this thread, on Twitter, or shoot me an email: dennis@wanikanidailydigest.com. I look forward to having more people using this tool besides me :)