Now replaced by this thread:
Paper flashcards, so you can study when you are not in front of the screen:
Level 1 vocabulary
Level 2 vocabulary
Level 3 vocabulary
Level 4 vocabulary
Level 5 vocabulary
Level 6 vocabulary
Level 7 vocabulary
Level 8 vocabulary
Kanji with stroke order levels 1 through 10
Kanji Matchups:
All radicals mini-cards. Except that there are maybe a dozen radicals missing, for technical reasons which I cannot be bothered to fix and which I shall not explain:
Mini Cards Kanji, 32 per page, less paper used:
Levels 1 though 10 Kanji Mini Cards
These are my most perfected versions. The cards are alphabetized by level and numbered. You will notice that each set begins and ends at weird spots of the page, for technical reasons:
Levels 1 through 10 Vocab Mini Cards
Levels 11 through 20 Vocab Mini Cards
Levels 21 through 30 Vocab Mini Cards
Levels 1 through 30 Vocab Mini Cards
Here is how I use the cards, in accordance with the principles of SRS. I keep three piles on my desk.
- Unknown
- Learning
- Whiz
The real point is the “Whiz” pile. SRS keeps you perpetually on the borderline of things that you have to work to remember. As we all know, this can be exhausting. Sometimes, each day, I want to spend some time practicing things that I am already good at. So, I flip though that “Whiz” pile. These are cards that I instantly know the answer to. I get practice in quick recognition plus I get a feeling of accomplishment watching this pile grow.
Here is my highly simplistic but functional LateX source, if anyone cares:
% printable flashcards for Wanicani kanji
% uses the flacards class because it is easyier than the more common flashcards class
%%fronts and backs of each card go in brackets below
Let me know below if anyone actually prints these out and uses them.