Vocabulary : 数 かず and すう


i don’t know if it’s an error but, i found out two ways of reading of this kanji in the vocabulary. On WK, you ask to read this word as かず that means " amount ", but you can read it too like すう and that means too "Amount " in prefix (with another meaning : Several). So, wouldn’t be better to be able to tape both answers ?

Thank you beforehand.

There are a few entries like that, I think. They drive me crazy, because it doesn’t remind you to put in the other reading, it just calls it wrong. I’m surprised this is the one that catches you. I keep tripping up on 札 being either ふだ or さつ. I know the word, I know the reading, but I don’t know which one you want from me, WK!

I figure the difference is something like I’m not noticing that one is vocabulary and one is some other category.


Wouldn’t it be 数〜 if they wanted the prefix meaning?

That’s because i don’t really remember WK asking to read 札(さつ) alone. It’s always in a sentence… hit me if i’m incorrect.

But i agree with you. there some who has many readings !

In that case, yes. I suppose it should be that. However, for this kanji , especially, you can read it alone too. Not only as a prefix !

EDIT : Jisho.org: Japanese Dictionary

さつ is for a suffix (The one where they ask ~札), not for the kanji by itself, that one is ふだ

If the meaning is different with the different reading, it’s not an error. They just don’t have the system enabled to handle that currently.

It’s why, for instance, the forehead meaning and ひたい reading are ignored for the 額 vocab. Synonyms and alternative readings need to apply to all aspects. But ひたい is not an alternative reading for the amount meaning of 額, so they don’t include it.

I’m pretty sure it comes up as both 札 (ふだ and さつ) AND ~札. If it were just one or the other, that wouldn’t trip me up.


Noun, Noun - used as a suffix

  1. quantity; amount​




  1. number; amount

So it’s ambiguous !

But that one would be 〜数 if it was the suffix…

But i suppose here, you could imply that the first one (Suu) is like something like a quantity where you’re emphasizing and the latter could be just a number without any emphasis. If i were to use it as a noun.

Just saying WaniKani would put 〜 if they wanted the suffix meaning and reading. So you can always be confident the vocab here is the かず reading.

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hum, okay. i’ll consider about it !

honestly, i didn’t have any difficulties for this kanji… But maybe instinctively i did the good answer every time ! (when i wasn’t mistaking it for “Thanks” xD)

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