Visually similar kanji .. not

I really like the “visually similar kanji” feature and I often find it useful. That said, I would love WK to be little … stricter about the similarity.

Look at the list for “view” 観:

Half of those aren’t visually similar if we don’t set a really low bar (at which point the feature becomes quite pointless…). In fact I’m not sure I’d leave anything other than parent there. I don’t think sharing a radical is a particularly good criterion.

Anyone else feel the same?

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Where can I find this? I don’t see it on the kanji page.


It’s a script iirc

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The kanji 観 has no Visually similar kanji at all:

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If you use the Item Inspector you can change the threshold for visually similar kanji. I’d suggest using that instead for studying this.

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oh I’m a pillock. Didn’t realise the app uses its own system.

I shall wear the “I’m dumb” hat for the next week.

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What I really want is the option to add my own “visually similar kanji” rather than relying on the app. Vanilla WK often doesn’t list the kanji I get confused by as “visually similar”, but the “visually similar kanji” userscript lists SO MANY similar kanji that it’s nearly useless


There’s no self service way to do it but if you email WK team with a suggestion they’ll usually add it.

I think that’s how many visually similar kanji got added in the first place.

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WK could datamine incorrect answers to determine visually similar kanji. Would be a cool database they could share back with the larger Japanese community.


Meanwhile there are loads of basic kanji I still mix up at a glance that are not classed as visually similar on WaniKani.

午 and 牛 and 千 for instance.

Or 方 and 万.

“Visually similar” shows 暴 as similar to 婦 (no similarity at all, imho), but not to 泰.

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