[Userscript]: WaniKani Ultimate Timeline

@Kumirei is correct… Max height is the max number of reviews (note the “reviews” in parentheses). But it uses a formula to round up to a number that’s going to give you some nice even graph tics.

If you set it to 100 instead of 118, you’ll get “0, 20, 40, 60, 80, 100”.

Here’s how it works:

The allowable vertical scale labels are:
1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200, 500, 1000, 2000, 5000…

It’s looking for the lowest scale value (from that set) that will equal or exceed your “Max Graph Height (reviews)” in 5 tics or less (6 if you count the zero).

So, using your 118 as an example:

In your case, you had:

* 118 /  1 = 118     <-- 118 tics if each tic is 1 review
* 118 /  2 =  59     <-- 59 tics if each tic is 2 reviews
* 118 /  5 =  23.6   .
* 118 / 10 =  11.8   .
* 118 / 20 =   5.9   .
* 118 / 50 =   2.36  <-- 2.36 tics if each tic is 50 reviews.

So, it rounds 2.36 up to 3, and you end up with 3 increments of 50:

  • 0, 50, 100, 150

If you use “Max Graph Height (reviews)” = 100:

* 100 /  1 = 100
* 100 /  2 =  50
* 100 / 20 =   5   <-- this is less than or equal to 5

So you get 5 increments of 20:

  • 0, 20, 40, 60, 80, 100

That still doesn’t help me exactly. The 118 was supposed to be the fixed graph height (so it never takes more space on my dashboard). I’ll give it a try later, but I have a feeling that will be too busy. Really wish I could set them myself. : /

EDIT: This is somewhere in the “math” that is unseen but referred to, isn’t it?

To change the graph height (in pixels) on the new version, just drag the bottom edge of the graph. The cursor should change to a vertical drag cursor when you’re over the right spot:

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I fixed it to how I wanted it in the code!

I switched “max_height” at the top of the code (line 70-something-ish) to 118, and then in the settings unchecked “force max height”… and now I can see all the things!!!


Hard coding the max height did the trick. ^^

I thought about the solution after your last post was unsatisfying (regarding “100” and all the math.)

I think you are making this harder than it needs to be. Just unchecking the force max height would have had the same effect

The “max_height” that you changed in the code just limits how tall (in pixels) you can drag the height of the graph. So, you could have left it at 300, and just dragged the height of the graph to 118 (or whatever pixel height looks good to you):

Kumi is right: I think what you really want is to just set “Max Graph Height (reviews)” to zero, and uncheck “Force Graph to Max Height”. Then it will auto-scale to fit the number of reviews.

edit: and the physical height of the graph would remain the same.


It would have also made my entire timeline taller though… :kissing:

It was easy… and it did what I wanted. No trying to find the right thing with dragging…

What are some tips for troubleshooting? I’ve tried switching off adblockers and tracking blockers. Absolutely nothing changes on my dashboard when I enable this script. I’m on a macbook using High Sierra (10.13.6), browser is Firefox (up to date at this moment, 69.0 nice).

Any other suggestions?

EDIT: I also have Burn Reviews and the script that adds the Kanji Damage mnemonics, but I just realized that both of those scripts aren’t fully working either. They both are saying something like “retrieving such and such” and it looks like they just get stuck like that. Starting to think this isn’t solely related to Ultimate Timeline.

Have you checked the console F12 for errors?

this is what it looks like:

But I’ve turned off content blocking and set custom permissions for WaniKani.
I guess I might try setting Firefox settings to default and then if I can get the scripts to work, change and check my settings back to how I had them one by one… unless someone has a better idea.

EDIT: It was also throwing up cross site scripting errors before, but I got those to go away.

There’s an issue with your IndexDB causing WKOF not to work. This happens frequently on Firefox. You could try clearing your cache and see if that resolves it.

Also I don’t think Burn Reviews is supported anymore, so I’d recommend getting the Self Study script, which has filters to review only burned items.

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So I determined the issue is that I went a little overboard hardening my browser and network security. I finally got Timeline to work, basically had to just walk back a bunch of security stuff.

Thanks for taking the time to reply to me. That makes sense about Burn Reviews because I still can’t fix that one.



At a quick glance, [Userscript] Dashboard Progress Plus seems like a better version of WK ultimate timeline. But this was posted later… :thinking:

They serve different purposes.


I think something went wrong here. Suddenly I have only 44 apprentice items in the next two days, but according to my srs breakdown, I have 45 apprentice items.

I don’t think it would be 締める, since I Guru’d that one a while ago.

Which script are you thinking is incorrect, and why?

I vaguely remember seeing similar discrepancies in the past, I think maybe related to an unusual corner case. But as far as I can remember, I think the cause was addressed at the time.

You can turn on ‘details’ in Timeline if you want to see exactly which items are being counted. I’m not sure if there’s a way to do something similar in the breakdown script.

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The second isn’t dependent on the script, that’s raw wanikani right there. I’ll have a look tomorrow :wink:

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Today it seems to be correct. Not sure what happened yesterday. Sorry I couldn’t analyze it further.

Hello guys,

I’ve installed the WaniKani Ultimate Timeline on my work computer without any issues, and I did the exact same procedure on my personal computer and, sadly, nothing is appearing.
My personal computer is using Firefox browser (72.0.2 (64-bit)) (my work computer as well, but older version).
Let me know if you have any idea where it comes from, and also, my script knowledge is very limited.
I don’t know if I’m in the good thread to discuss this though.
Thanks in advance!

Open your Javascript console (press F12 and click the Console tab), and paste a screenshot of any errors you find.

Verify that the Open Framework script is the #1 script in Tampermonkey (assuming you’re using TamperMonkey).

Firefox often has problems with corrupting its IndexedDB database, which is where Open Framework stores Wanikani data, so you may need to clear the database (press F12, click on the Storage tab, find the database, delete it, and refresh)