@NicoleIsEnough If you are OK with it, I would overtake the script and maintain by myself now.
- Radicals are deemed as Kanji
- Kanji (and Radicals) are also searched in Weblio
- Fix Kanji and vocabulary definition not showing on Info and Extra Study pages
- Now tried with Review, Lesson, and Extra Study pages.
- Dictionary results are moved to the top
- Use Item Info Injector
- Weblio
- 々 is converted to real character repeats.
- Weblio now includes up to 3 results.
- Each Weblio result is trimmed to 1000 HTML characters.
- Weblio’s results of non-WaniKani readings, and Kanji, are deprioritized. Suffixes and する verbs are also prioritized. (Moved down, or possibly trimmed.)
- Kanjipedia
- If a Kanji isn’t found in Kanjipedia, don’t throw errors (e.g. 々)
- Add basic 異体字 support from Kanjipedia.
- For example, 寿 (Kanjipedia), 情 (Kanjipedia)
- Some obvious ones don’t have forms enlisted, e.g. 噌 (Kanjipedia)
- Kanji readings with Okurigana are styled, rather than dotted, so that they can be picked up by Yomichan.
- Backing up search results in browser (IndexedDB) for offline. (Online scraping only for new entries, and previously not found.)
The actual repo is at wanikani-userscript/external-definition.user.js at master · patarapolw/wanikani-userscript · GitHub
I also use auto reveal Item Info script, which I edited from [Script] Item Info AutoExpander - #19 by irrelephant