[Userscript] Reorder Omega

You see on the screenshot it says “Kanji Null” (rather than “Kanji Reading” or “Kanji Meaning”). When this happens the quiz is totally borked. I can’t remember if pressing enter just does nothing or if it leaves the quiz. Either way, it’s totally broken and doesn’t go away until you do something else. I haven’t mentioned this here before because I have no idea what causes it.


Oh! Thank you, I somehow didn’t see that

What exactly happens is when I start the self study I get the userscript error on top and ‘Kanji NULL’ below the Kanji like this:

When I press show answer, it shows the answer.
When I press ‘know’ , simply nothing happens.
When I press ‘don’t know’ I get to see this:

And at that point the test doesn’t continue, both ‘know’ and ‘don’t know’ buttons do nothing.

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Thanks, I tried the Self-study quiz script, but that one doesn’t have an Anki option.
For now I use the Flaming Droid app self study which does have anki mode, but that one is limited to 100 items per round and it randomises the items so that one isn’t really perfect too.

What I would like for self study is for example have a study of all the Kanji from lvl 1-10 with Anki mode on and so far I haven’t find a really good way to do that, besides selecting the Kanji for 2 levels in the Flaming Droid self study so I don’t go over the 100 items restriction.

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When I go to do lessons, the lessons page comes up as normal for a few seconds (with the dropdown to lesson order and such), then poof, page goes completely blank. Turned compatibility mode on, and then page loads, although behaves a bit odd. Hitting right arrow to move through first until reading, after which right arrow jumps directly to next items meaning, over and over on additional right arrow presses.

Went to look through the code, but damn, that’s a lot of code.

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I’ll have a look at it, but it might take a while since I am busy this weekend. If you want to look at the code it might be easier to look at the TS on GitHub


So I may have inadvertently figured something out. I just went and did some lessons, and everything seemed fine. I had a custom filter selected to just give me vocab. I did all ten vocab lessons I had, then went back in, and everything went blank. So, it seems to have something to do with filtering down to a empty set maybe? Or, null/undefined?

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That does sound reasonable, though I thought I was displaying a message if you ended up with zero items

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I’m sorry, I don’t understand – I set “sort by type” where the order is rad can voc but I still sometimes get kanji after vocab…

notice the elapsed time. The kanji is after vocab.

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That does indeed not look right. Do you have compatibility mode on?

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Yes, I do. Should I turn it off?

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Omega only guarantees the order in which items enter the active queue, and with compatibility mode enabled the order within the active queue (ten items) is randomized, unless you’re using back to back. Without compatibility mode IIRC you should see all kanji once before getting any vocab, but items you answer incorrectly might stick around in the active queue and be interleaved with vocab


I see, thank you

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WaniKani seems to have given up on compatibility mode, so I am not in a great hurry to make it work the same with and without


Yeah, I think Javi was the main one keeping Compatibility mode going. He left somewhere around April, if I remember correctly. Doesn’t seem like there’s much support for it without him. :cry:


Without compatibility mode, it seems to work well, howerver, here’s the problem:
It does show radicals, kanji in vocab in particular order, but it does sometimes do this:

kanji meaning / reading, vocab meaning / reading, kanji reading / meaning, vocab reading / meaning.
In other words, unlike radicals, it needs to show kanji two times, one for reading and one for meaning. The first time it shows all kanji before vocab, but it does sometimes show vocab before showing kanji the second time…
Maybe, there is some additional setting I could use to prevent this?
I’d very much like to only see vocab once I’m done with kanji, so that if I’m short of time I could then just wrap it up and it wouldn’t end up with a kanji, for which only meaning (or only reading) has been reviewed…

Then again, when I press the wrap-up button, it would probably prioritize the unfinished items when choosing the remaining 10 items, so it probably is not a problem… :thinking:

Anyway, huge thanks for the script. It is great and in many respects much better than the Ultimate, though it does require some getting used to :sweat_smile:

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Yes, this has to do with how the WK active queue works. The only way to make sure you see both questions for all kanji before seeing any question for vocab is to use the Back To Back feature


I see, thank you!

P. S. Sorry, I’meowt of likes again :cat2:


Is this the correct settings to get my most overdue items first?

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Should be, yes!

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